Skill Hunter Title


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


Guildless | Looking for GvG one.


Hey there!

1rst sry if my english it not the best...

I read in a post b4 about to make some titles each campaing...

Actually i have 292 elites skills captured... and max title need 380 ?

What is this? It's not possible to see ppl with "People know me" tittle if things like this happend... or meaby a new version coming?

If a new version is coming they should upgrade the title to 380 with new skills to cap,,, otherwise i think this is not the best idea.


Miss Puddles

Miss Puddles

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Shiverpeaks Search And Rescue [Lost]


currently, the skill hunter title doesn't count for the max title track (kind of a big deal, people know me, etc.) but there is discussion going on that this may change in the future.
people have gotten the "people know me" title from 10 other titles then, obviously. take a look at the "titles in progress" thread in the screenshot forum to see what people have.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


Guildless | Looking for GvG one.


yeah i read about that... ppl know me its for fully dedicated ppl only.. thats all