Armor effects



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

New York


I was wondering does the effect of Armor stack. First for base armor, the warrior armor max is +80, so if you have a whole set does it provide 400 armor? And second the secondary functions of armor, for example if you have a set of Dreadnought's Armor (Armor +10 vs elemental) if you have the whole set does it stack to +50, and Legionnaire's Armor (Armor +10 while in stance) does it give you a total of +50 armor when in stance?

Thanks in advance?



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

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You can get answers for everything on GuildWiki at

Meanwhile, no, the armor stat is per area, e.g. 80 for chest, 80 for feet, etc.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

1337ville, California

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Each piece of armor has a certain chance of being hit. Highest chance for chest, next legs, lowest for gloves, boots, headgear. So that would provide the 80 armor whenever that certain spot is hit. Also, skills that increase armor, like feigned neutrality or Avatar of Balthazar, add the amount to each piece.