8 Ideas and Opinions


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

The South Side of Tyria


Okay, I am just going to go over a bunch of Ideas and stuff. Some of them I have never heard (though someone might have already posted it) and some I have heard from other players. Here they are:

1. There is a lot of Guild Content that is excellent. However, Guild A. and Guild B. both get the Druids Hall Both of these halls are exactly the same. While it may just be me, I think it kind of takes away from the fun that there is a certain number of halls that can all be made exactly like another hall of the same name (through guild appliances). Guild appliances are pretty much the only thing that can be bought for a guild, and lots of people loved what they did. But, personally, I think there could be more. I have heard some people talk about adding catapults, but this would offset the GvG balance. Arenanet seems to be rather good at balancing out things that are uneven, but I think just some sort of customization in appearence or something would make it a little bit more enjoyable.

2. This one might sound a little odd, but I have heard others say this too. The new chapters are great and fun. But they are very big to be played on a 6 month period for a casual gamer. Personally, I think it would be cool to have maybe a small $30 expansion to a previous game. Maybe something bigger than sorrow's furnace, but smaller than factions. This could be the expansion for the first 6 months, followed by a new game.

3. An idea that I heard from another person that sounded awsome:The person said for a new game/expansion, making a game that goes before prophecies, back to the Guild Wars themselves. This would add a great deal of interesting flavour to the game and could easily intoduce some new PvP gameplay as well.

4. This may just be me, but I sort of feel as though the games are starting to sway from a fantasy feel into a real world feel. When prophecies came out it had great elements in terms of land. While the other two games are great, the fact that they are based on real world places makes it feel more real-worldish and not so fantasy. If the games were to be based on real world stuff, I think heavy mythological places would be great. For example, an old Norse civilization with Viking type themes, or a Medieval setting with large castles and villages and stuff.

5. Sort of on the note of the previous, I almost feel that the games are starting to sway from the original lore set up. New land will probably start to drift more and more from the original lore until they will have to make an entirely new series of games. I was really interested in the lore of the destroyed land of Orr, I wish there was more to learn about it.

6. A New money-making element: Something in many other MMO's that I wish we could do is having an alternate source of money-making. If you think about it, fighting is just about the only way to make money (unless you count running, power-leveling,etc) I think there should be some sort of thing such as mining,craftin,etc. Not necessarily those, they are just examples, but I wish there was some other ways to make a little bit of extra money.

7. Other races would be cool. Personally, humans can be a little boring, but if not introducing new playable races, some common fantasy races such as elves would be interesting as friendly NPC's

8. An idea for a new profession: A Dragon/Wyvern Lord. Something that when you make your character, you also design a dragon to ride. From here you hit "Create Character" and you start as a level 1 Dragon/Wyvern Lord with a Un-hatched dragon egg. As you start, there will be things you must do to hatch your dragon and then raise it until it is ride-able. The weapon of choice would be a Lance.
I am not exactly sure how the effects of a dragon would be offset, but it would probably be something like a ranger pet.
You could use the Attributes:
Lance Mastery
Dragon Mastery
and a few others.

Just some ideas that I thought would be kind of cool.

If you could make lots of comments and give lots of feedback, that would be most excellent. Thanks




Join Date: Dec 2006




You are limited to one idea per thread and keep in mind that Guild Wars is not an official MMO/RPG. Also, if you want to suggest a new class go to the "Concept Class" section of the forums.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


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