hi how do i beat him dopplegranger am a n/m i have try everything

Bring order of the vampire, awaken the blood, order of pain if you have those, they'll greatly help you defeat your dopple. Bring strip enchantment, it should help with healing. The remaining skills are up to you, you can also choose not to bring anything else and let the dopple sacc himself to death once you start attacking him.
Originally Posted by tijo
Bring order of the vampire, awaken the blood, order of pain if you have those, they'll greatly help you defeat your dopple. Bring strip enchantment, it should help with healing. The remaining skills are up to you, you can also choose not to bring anything else and let the dopple sacc himself to death once you start attacking him.
just exploit the AI. bring awaken the blood on the far left and then sacrifice skills all the way across, and use skills you want on the right.