I have recently had a problem with getting a "random" error 7 on load screens. What usually happens is I am sitting in a district with or without a team just fine. When I switch zones (by manually switching, loading to the next pvp map, tc), sometimes I instantly err 7 out. I don't experience any lag before or after the err7, nor does my vent drop. When I err7 in this way, I cannot rejoin. Before this problem, I had very, very rarely err7ed (five times or less in a year).
Does anyone have any suggestions? If not, I wanted to report this to a.net as a potential problem (assuming others have this problem as well). Perhaps a feature could be added to allow a team to send an invite to a dropped person after the team moves to a new isntance or something.
Thanks in advance.
Network Problem: Error 7 on Load?
Blame the Monks
If you're on the euro servers then it's networking problems. Anet are working on it, have been for a day or 2 so far.
I have exactly the same problem. I have it since i changed my computer this summer, so yes, euro server is very laggy and has problems, but the source of this problem may be is something else.
Blame the Monks
I'm not sure if that is the problem or not. I do not play on euro servers (I typically plan in international dists or Gvg) but often guest with euro guilds or have euros in my party.