brains or brawn
Okay, they really need to fix this quest. I selected Norgu and got Goren. Same thing happened for all three of my friends who did it at the same time.
Then I looked it up on GWwiki. They have the wording all backwards as the one you select is the one you SEND AWAY. Now we have a pathetic useless second warrior because we didn't read the quest writer's mind that whichever one we picked would be the one we don't get. There was no indication in the text that whichever you chose would be forgotten about.
Then I looked it up on GWwiki. They have the wording all backwards as the one you select is the one you SEND AWAY. Now we have a pathetic useless second warrior because we didn't read the quest writer's mind that whichever one we picked would be the one we don't get. There was no indication in the text that whichever you chose would be forgotten about.
Read it. It says which one you want to SEND away. Your own fault. But dont worry, just finish the game.
Originally Posted by scrinner
Read it. It says which one you want to SEND away. Your own fault. But dont worry, just finish the game.
From the wiki
The Role of a Lifetime (Answer #1, Norgu will become your Hero)
Goren's Stuff: Part 1 (Answer #2, Goren will become your Hero)
The Role of a Lifetime (Answer #1, Norgu will become your Hero)
Goren's Stuff: Part 1 (Answer #2, Goren will become your Hero)
Originally Posted by Darcy
From the wiki
Followup The Role of a Lifetime (Answer #1, Norgu will become your Hero) Goren's Stuff: Part 1 (Answer #2, Goren will become your Hero) |
If you bothered to read the quest dialog, you'd find that he's trying to decide which of the two would make a good bodyguard for himself. He asks you which you would take as a bodyguard, then follows your suggestion, and takes the one you choose. It's not that hard to figure out if you read the quest instead of clicking blindly on a response.
Once you finished the game you get all heroes anyways.
So all in all it's not really as if matters that much.
On another matter.
If you try to complete all missions before you finished the game and you took Master of Whispers, there is only 1 other way to get into Dasha Vestibule and it's by getting Goren as a Hero.
So in that pov it's even a better choice if you pick Goren over Norgu
So all in all it's not really as if matters that much.
On another matter.
If you try to complete all missions before you finished the game and you took Master of Whispers, there is only 1 other way to get into Dasha Vestibule and it's by getting Goren as a Hero.
So in that pov it's even a better choice if you pick Goren over Norgu
Because you're done playing after you beat Nightfall's single player campaign.
Kuldebar Valiturus
I read the dialog and chose Goren by mistake. I interpreted the dialog to refer to a quest I was involved in, so I chose Norgu as my answer...I wanted a Mesmer Hero.
I read the dialog text, I am literate and the text needs to be changed.
You need to work on your reading skills as well. it appears.
This isn't a click wildly and whine at the results post.
Intelligent people who read the quest text could come to the conclusion that the quest giver is going to send YOU and the Hero you choose on a quest.
I read the dialog text, I am literate and the text needs to be changed.
Originally Posted by sykoone
If you bothered to read the quest dialog, you'd find that he's trying to decide which of the two would make a good bodyguard for himself. He asks you which you would take as a bodyguard, then follows your suggestion, and takes the one you choose. It's not that hard to figure out if you read the quest instead of clicking blindly on a response.
This isn't a click wildly and whine at the results post.
Intelligent people who read the quest text could come to the conclusion that the quest giver is going to send YOU and the Hero you choose on a quest.
I had no problems with that, reading the dialog made perfect sense that I was picking one for him to take as a bodyguard.
I did that, but figured it was my own fault for mis-reading it. Next time, I was more careful about it

Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
Intelligent people who read the quest text could come to the conclusion that the quest giver is going to send YOU and the Hero you choose on a quest.
Possible answers: 1."Goren's strength makes him the clear choice. Midauha can do the thinking for him." OR 2."Norgu will be great entertainment for Midauha and has a knack for getting out of trouble." |
Again, it very strongly implies that you'll also be going with the hero you select to protect Midauha.
Seef II
If you choose the wrong guy, just resign and abandon the quest. This can't be done, however, once you pick up the reward of course!
I just didn't get either because who needs a mesmer or a second warrior in PvE?
Just read the thing..... Christ it's not that hard to read the dialogue in the game. There's a story there ya know?
Meat Axe
I also made this mistake, and yeah I was a bit cut for awhile, but I got over it. It was a stupid mistake, and definitely not Anet's fault. I never got the impression that I was going to be sent away to protect the guy's daughter. Why would you be going off to serve as a bodyguard to the guy's daughter when the world is being overrun by demons?
It's annoying that you now have two warrior heroes, I know I've been there too. But it's not the end of the world. Just finish the game and go and get Norgu then. You didn't choose a different path for the storyline or anything, Norgu and Goren are optional heroes.
There's plenty to do after you're done playing Nightfall. Go do DoA, go unlock the heroes that you missed, go complete the quests you missed, if you're an Elonian go to Tyria or Cantha and play them.
It's annoying that you now have two warrior heroes, I know I've been there too. But it's not the end of the world. Just finish the game and go and get Norgu then. You didn't choose a different path for the storyline or anything, Norgu and Goren are optional heroes.
Originally Posted by dzan
Because you're done playing after you beat Nightfall's single player campaign.
Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by mqstout
Again, it very strongly implies that you'll also be going with the hero you select to protect Midauha.
Or why Norgu, again your hero, needs to entertain her.
And to point out the quest dialogue that you've already read.
I'm thinking of hiring one of them as bodyguard, but I'm not all certain which one to choose. <name>, can you meet me in Resplendent Makuun and help me decide?" |
Also, why would you go back to Istan to protect one girl when the world is being taken over?
Well I wanted a second warrior because I'm hopeless assigning mesmer skills....and I got Norgu!
So, add me to the list of players who misinterpreted the text.
So, add me to the list of players who misinterpreted the text.
Originally Posted by Smile Like Umean It
Also, why would you go back to Istan to protect one girl when the world is being taken over?
Sir Seifus Halbred
I did the same thing as well as others who have stated so here. I guessed i made a mistake. It is no biggie-as mentioned you get them all in the end!
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Smile Like Umean It
Also, why would you go back to Istan to protect one girl when the world is being taken over?
There are some awkwardly worded quests and there are also some quests that are ludicrous if you compare them to the end of the world scenario.
Why would you spend so much time looking for idiot warrior's armor and weapon when the world is ending?
I reasoned that the quest text meant I was going to go onto a another step in the quest that involved being a body guard. This wasn't too far fetched after the theater troupe scenario.
Hind sight being what it is now, but the text fooled me and other people, so there is some evidence of the confusing nature of the text.
No need to throw an attitude at people because they found something unclear.
Bryant Again
Interesting that this is just now starting to surface, after Nightfall's been out for over 8 months.
Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
Please, give up that tact, don't try to explain it away by using a supposedly rational basis for quests. Some of them are fairly questionable.
Why would you spend so much time looking for idiot warrior's armor and weapon when the world is ending? |
Hind sight being what it is now, but the text fooled me and other people, so there is some evidence of the confusing nature of the text. No need to throw an attitude at people because they found something unclear. |
If I wanted to get an attitude I'd get one, no tact needed. I just honestly didn't understand why everyone else didn't get it. Guess my reasoning is different from others.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Interesting that this is just now starting to surface, after Nightfall's been out for over 8 months.
I confess I didnt read well the first time I did this quest as well...but the next time I did it I read the question and he does ask which one he should send away, NOT which one you want to have as your if you say send goren away you dont get goren....likewise with nogru. Makes sense when you really think about it.
Ironically it takes Brains to choose the Mesmer Hero... and many seem to be lacking. I've always understood this to be choose who to send away and i've only done the quest once (its not worth the effort...).
I didn't have any problems - made perfect sense to me. However if some people are finding it difficult I suggest setup a poll and see how many say - yes its misleading or no it makes sense
Its slightly confusing at first. But if you see the missionreward window and see you are getting 'the wrong hero', just walk away and restart the quest from the beginning. its not that long a quest.