How do I link my existing GW account, to a newly created PlayNC Master account?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Cupertino, CA

We Are All Pretty {ugly}

I created the account, and want to add my game to it. How?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

13N/144E FoKai

Log in with the account you want to add the cd key to, then go to edit account, then add cd key.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


To associate an existing game account with a Plaync master account; just login to the GW game client and enter the ingame store.

Alex Weekes

Alex Weekes

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Brighton, UK

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
To associate an existing game account with a Plaync master account; just login to the GW game client and enter the ingame store.
Originally Posted by Envious
Log in with the account you want to add the cd key to, then go to edit account, then add cd key.
If your GW account is already created and not linked to a PlayNC account already, then all you have to do is enter the in-game store (with your GW account that you want to link) and then enter the details of the PlayNC account that you want to link to.

If you have not created your GW account yet, then linking to a PlayNC account is even easier: simply login to your PlayNC account and "Add Game" to create your GW account and link it to your PlayNC account.

Cirrus The Bard

Cirrus The Bard

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Wellington, New Zealand


Hey guys,
Any idea how to determine if a Guild Wars account is already linked to a PlayNC Master Account?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007


The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
If your GW account is already created and not linked to a PlayNC account already, then all you have to do is enter the in-game store (with your GW account that you want to link) and then enter the details of the PlayNC account that you want to link to.

If you have not created your GW account yet, then linking to a PlayNC account is even easier: simply login to your PlayNC account and "Add Game" to create your GW account and link it to your PlayNC account.
Where do I enter my playNC account details? I cant seem to find it, althouth I'm in the in-game guildwars store.

mojave mango juice

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by Cirrus The Bard
Hey guys,
Any idea how to determine if a Guild Wars account is already linked to a PlayNC Master Account?
Go to the Character Select screen, and click on "Edit Account."

If the account is unlinked, you will see four options:
Change Email Address, Change Password, Change Mailing Address, Manage Access Keys.
If the account is linked, you will see three options:
Change Password, Change Mailing Address, Manage Access Keys.

If you are still unsure, click on "Change Password." If it is linked, it will redirect you to PlayNC. If it is unlinked, it will give you the option to change your password there.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Before you do so, you should be aware that linking your GW account to your PlayNC account exposes it to a massive security vulnerability -- your GW login becomes permanently locked, and you cannot change it even if it becomes known to people trying to steal your account, or if that e-mail address ceases to exist, or if that e-mail address gets reassigned to someone else.

You should only do so if you really really want to use the in-game store, and only after changing your login to an e-mail address that is (1) not known to ANYONE but you, (2) not used for anything but being your GW login, (3) with a host you know won't be going out of business or merging with another company and changing domain names, and (4) with a host that will let you keep the address indefinitely.

Ku Ku

Ku Ku

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006




Originally Posted by Chthon
Before you do so, you should be aware that linking your GW account to your PlayNC account exposes it to a massive security vulnerability -- your GW login becomes permanently locked, and you cannot change it even if it becomes known to people trying to steal your account, or if that e-mail address ceases to exist, or if that e-mail address gets reassigned to someone else.

You should only do so if you really really want to use the in-game store, and only after changing your login to an e-mail address that is (1) not known to ANYONE but you, (2) not used for anything but being your GW login, (3) with a host you know won't be going out of business or merging with another company and changing domain names, and (4) with a host that will let you keep the address indefinitely.

You can change email addresses and passwords in the Play Nc Master account section, so its not really locked, other people are simply locked from being able to steal your account by knowing that first game password (assuming you dont set your plaync account password as the same one ) as they cannot reset your password without entering the Play Nc account section (on the plaync offical website)