Ring of Fire bonus bugged?
I've been playing GW for over a year and I don't recall ever going through bonus and not being able to get it until now. I completed the bonus at the Ring of Fire mission, but it did not give it to me. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this here. I beat the Eidolon and mission, but there is only the mission sword through the shield on the map screen.

The bonus isn't just killing the Eidolon, it's taking the Spectral Essence from the dead Eidolon to the Seer.
I assume you talked to the seer to initiate the bonus, killed the Eidolon and then delivered the essence to the seer? I've never not had it work, but haven't done it for a while (4-5 weeks?)
sounds like u forgot to deliver the essense
Oh boy. You're right. I did forget to take the spectral essence back to the seer. I feel stupid now. Thanks

Um...wasn't that bonus the escort mission for the girl ghost to make sure she doesn't die again before reaching the far part of the island? Killing the Eidolon was optional only for infusion.
Smile Like Umean It
No, that's the next mission. Abaddon's.
You know what I found interesting when I did that Abbadon's bonus with the ghost is that when I was leaving the fort after clearing it except for monk boss I just could not kill her with a full team of hench. I was playing my E/Mo, but for whatever reason I chose to run a Heal Party spam with Prodigy elite. So my damage output was just not quite enough to beat the monk boss. I then proceeded to just go past her and clear the path for the ghost and just hope that I could keep ghost alive when we went to go past boss.
As it turns out the ghost cannot just simply follow you past the boss because she wants to fight her. And wouldn't you know the little level 15 ghost was just enough help to get the damage output greater than the boss's healing. It probably took close to 8-10 minutes to beat it, but it finally worked.
So anyway, nothing really important about what I just said, but I thought it was kinda cool that the ghost gave me just enough help to beat it.
As it turns out the ghost cannot just simply follow you past the boss because she wants to fight her. And wouldn't you know the little level 15 ghost was just enough help to get the damage output greater than the boss's healing. It probably took close to 8-10 minutes to beat it, but it finally worked.
So anyway, nothing really important about what I just said, but I thought it was kinda cool that the ghost gave me just enough help to beat it.