Salvaging Collector Items


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


I know that it is now possible to salvage mods off collector items. Does anyone know if the base 50% chance of losing the collector item with the salvage attempt is in effect (as would be the case with a salvage attempt of a regular item)? Thanks.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006



Yes it is. Therefore make sure what you intend to salvage is actually a mod before doing so (e.g. that a 15^50 is an inscription and not an inherent, which can't be salvaged)


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


When did this happen? A guildie reported that he salvaged the 10/10 furious off the Galrath quest reward, which I thought was supposed to be impossible, but you can salvage off collector's items now too?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Salvaging rules changed at the start of Nightfall. Collector's items are fair game now.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


When did this happen? A guildie reported that he salvaged the 10/10 furious off the Galrath quest reward, which I thought was supposed to be impossible, but you can salvage off collector's items now too?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

You should not be able to salvage quest rewards, but you can collector items. If you can salvage quest rewards then shhhhhh, it's a bonus.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

Crazy ducks from the Forest


Ans once again: you can only salvage the traditional upgrades - the prefixes and suffixes. You cannot salvage inscriptions, at least in prophecies and factions, because those items don't actually have inscriptions.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I just tried to salvage some shield mods off a collectors item with my expert salvage kit and all it did was immediately give me 17 iron ingots. Am I missing something here?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Cherno
I just tried to salvage some shield mods off a collectors item with my expert salvage kit and all it did was immediately give me 17 iron ingots. Am I missing something here?
Shield & focus mods are not traditional removable modifiers, anything that is an inscription in Nightfall cannot be salvaged from "non-inscription" items.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I can accept that as an answer if it is to say that shield and foci can't have their mods salvaged, but don't say "anything that is an inscription" Inscriptions are only one component of an item. In a shield it would be the Luck of the Draw. If you say that, then I would suspect I could get the Fortitude off a shield. Not saying you're wrong, just saying you need to make your explanation better.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Cherno
I can accept that as an answer if it is to say that shield and foci can't have their mods salvaged, but don't say "anything that is an inscription" Inscriptions are only one component of an item. In a shield it would be the Luck of the Draw. If you say that, then I would suspect I could get the Fortitude off a shield. Not saying you're wrong, just saying you need to make your explanation better.
You could salvage the Fortitude mod out...If its actually a Fortitude mod. Not just a +30 HP that alot of collectors shields come with.

When I first posted this thread about how Collectors and Quest stuff can be salvaged for mods now, shortly after Nightfall release, The thread got BOMBARDED with all sorts of flame and viciousness saying things like "ZOMG BAN THIS GUY!@@!@! I tryed to salvage [insert collectors shield/foci, or quest reward with strange inherent mods] and I lost the item, this thread should be closed QUICK!@@!@!", even got one "I LOST 5k BECAUSE MY CESTA DIDN'T GIVE ME THE -50 HP!!"

I thought when I posted it that people would logically think and realize only Traditional Mods can be salvaged...just like always...But people got greedy I guess and read the first line of my thread and auto-assumed they had just read some leet new Glitch they could exploit to make millions off collectors stuff.

Theres very few actual "free money" situations that came from this update. Generally Collectors stuff doesn't have actual mods, and Quest equipment typically doesn't get its stats from mods, but rather from inherent effects.

Theres some Ascalon-area collectors stuff with mods, mostly just elemental hilts, or non-max Fortitudes. There are some weapons in Piken Square though with +25% dmg vs charr Charrslaying mods that can be salvaged (and the normal max is +20% on droppable mods, so this is decently useful), as for quest rewards the Galrath quest sword has a real max Furious mod on it.

Mostly this update is just useful for people that put mods on collectors stuff and want them back now.