"This weapon can only be found in the Guild Wars Factions campaign." Quote Guild Wiki.
"Note: Items from Prophecies and Factions, and from the Realms of the Gods have not been converted to the new system, which means their weapon modifiers cannot be salvaged as inscriptions!" Quote Guild Wiki.
I know Crystalline Swords have inscriptions but I didn't know Golden phoenix blades did. Does this mean they drop in Nightfall? Or ones dropping in Factions now do have inscriptions? Thanks for your help.
BTW: Heres the auction thread: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/auction/item.php/id=348820
Insribable Golden Phoneix Blade HELP?
Evil Genius
Inscribable wepons from first two chapters are/were dropping from Hall of Heros chests accessable from Heros Ascent i belive.
Other than that they aint inscribable but still can contain perfect inherent mods.
Other than that they aint inscribable but still can contain perfect inherent mods.
Not even one with 15^50 worth that much
Not even one with 15^50 worth that much
They are to a collector of rare items.
it probly dropped in HoH, along with every other uber rare inscrptable.