I wanted to ask if you cast Spell Breaker (For 5...15 seconds, enemy spells targeted against target ally fail.) on someone, then an enemy cast an AOE spell will the person get damage if
a)he was the target
b)he was in the AOE but the target was someone else
thanks in advance.
Spell breaker and AOE spells
a) no he wouldnt even get the hex(ss) or sf/sandstorm casted on him because spellbreaker protects him from spells beeing casted on him.
b) yes he would get the damage.
b) yes he would get the damage.
The reason he would get the damage is due to AoE does no target someone depending on the spell. If the person with Spell Breaker is not the target but gets hits with a AoE spell, they should take damage.
I can confirm with certitude that someone with spellbreaker, will get AoE damage coming from someone else if he is in range of the AoE spell, i.e. you're close to someone who gets meteor shower cast on him, even tho you have spell breaker on you, you will still get hit by ms.
Here is a link to the GuildWiki page on Spell Breaker http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Spell_Breaker
The notes explain effects under different circumstances.
The notes explain effects under different circumstances.
Ashleigh McMahon
The great thing is that the foe who casts on you looses the energy and then fails 
I *love* spell breaker
If your wanting to go completely invincible- or invincible to spells however, - SoA and Prot spirit should prevent the 'high damage' from AoE such as meteor shower.

I *love* spell breaker

If your wanting to go completely invincible- or invincible to spells however, - SoA and Prot spirit should prevent the 'high damage' from AoE such as meteor shower.
my ele routinely uses bed of coal on the 'vow of silence' dervishes and they do indeed take damage......have also used breath of fire on a sorcerer with a 'spell breaker' cleric standing next to him and watched them both die from the fire damage. (its nice they like to stand so close to each other, and then a cry of frustration on the sorc. helps too