Changing Guildwars Email/Password

Neriandal Freit

Neriandal Freit

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Spiral of The Red Rose, Kryta (Columbus, IN)

Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Alright, so I know how I can change the password to my guildwars account, but does anyone know how to change the email of your guildwars account?

I know it's possible, I've seen what to do many moons ago - but I've forgotten where I've seen it!



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Pennsylvania, USA


I tried changing both my password and my e-mail at one point, just to see that it could be done myself, and it wouldn't work for me. Well at least te e-mail part didn't work anyway. I don't know if it can be done or might not work at the moment...

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



I just did this 3 days ago, my account wasn't linked to plaync.
I simply logged in went to options , change email, and added the new email address, then i got a confirmation mail at both addresses which i had to click each and now im logging with the new email.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

Yes, you can change your login email... as long as your account is not linked to PlayNC. It's in the Manage Account section of the game client.