hi, i've been hearing about guild wars for a while now and really want to buy the game, the trouble is, which one?
I really need a hand on deciding which one to start off with, bearing in mind i haven't ever played any of them before. I don't know whether i'd be better starting with prophecies because it's the first, or getting nightfall cause it's the most up-to-date, not to dismiss factions either which could be better than both.
I'd really appreciate your help.
Hi from tominater(need help)
Jaws Of Doom
Check the sticky at the top of the forums here. It does a lot better job of explaining everything than I have the time to do.
Dougal Kronik
Personally, I recommend starting with Prophecies. It's the best value for your money being the largest continent and getting skills as rewards for quests.
mojave mango juice
I would go with prophecies...skills are cheaper (quest rewards), the "tutorial" is very in-depth, and it's the cheapest to buy.
Not only that, but I finished Nightfall before I finished Prophecies and I probably would have understood some stuff towards the end of NF better had I finished Prophecies first.
So..my vote: Prophecies
Not only that, but I finished Nightfall before I finished Prophecies and I probably would have understood some stuff towards the end of NF better had I finished Prophecies first.
So..my vote: Prophecies
Ashleigh McMahon