I joined a guild a few weeks ago much to my enjoyment (and then disappointment). As it turns out no one plays. We have 5 members. Three of them haven't logged on for over a month. One person not for a few weeks. Should I just leave or try to rebuild the guild. I am an officer so I can recruit more members. Any suggestions?
Reviving a Guild
Drakon Longhair
Please check out the tips for starting a new guild that are stickied above - the provide some good ideas for reviving guilds as well.
if your leader is never on its a waste of time imo, been in a guild like that and left because as a members it doesnt look very good, new members will get a bad impression of the guild and join and leave by the end of the day. I know ive been away for 2 days and in that period had a couple people leave that seemed like they would stay before then.
Xiaxhou of Trinity
wait whoa 3 members off for months, and one off for weeks? so that's 4 and then you're the 5th? I would say it won't go anywhere for a while, maybe nowhere at all......One person to shoulder a guild is a lot of work, i know =]
Doggie Dog
If the leader's gone AWOL before appointing a new leader, your hands are completely tied. Safest assumption to make is that the guild is over.
You'd be wasting your time staying there. Join a good active guild or start your own, if you have leadership aspirations. The time to leave is now, don't delay your decision
You'd be wasting your time staying there. Join a good active guild or start your own, if you have leadership aspirations. The time to leave is now, don't delay your decision
