*Note*This is kind of two ideas, but they are both closely related. However, if this against the rules, this thread can be locked and I will create a new thread for each suggestion.
Factions introduced a new interesting feature to towns: Being able to own a town.
Unfortunatley, while I was excited when I joined a guild that owned a town, I realized how pointless it was. Yay... a 10% reduction in merchant prices.
While some may find it usefull, I don't think it's as cool as it could be.
So, my suggestion is to add the ability to either enter a mini-mission or a mini-PvP Battle inside the town.
Mini Mission
If this was put in, it would act like a challenge mission except that it would take place inside the town. Any member of the guild, that was the leader of the party could hit an "Enter Battle" button.
To prevent an annoying jerk that would advertise a quest PuG group or something like that, ALL party members would have to accept it.
Then, once everyone agreed, a message to the people in the town would appear on the bottom of their party tab asking them if they would like to participate in the fight. They would have ~20 seconds to accept or decline. If they do not accept or decline, it is assumed that they declined and are not allowed to participate in the fighting.
Then, once the timer reaches 0, coming from all directions, allies of the enemy side would crawl out of the portals/little houses in the town and start fighting.
The number of enemies would be ~2x the number of the party members/participants.
The enemies would drop gold/items but only 1/2 the gold they would normally drop and 50% chance reduction in getting a Gold item. The NPCs in the town would begin to help the allies in fighting.
The reward wouldn't be great, maybe 5 gold for each enemy defeated, and after three-five times in a 24 hour period people who have exceeded the limit, would not recieve drops/gold in the mission.
This would just be for fun, and something to do in your free time.
PvP Area
The priciple is the same as the above but instead of fighting AI, you would a rival guild of the opposite alliance. One guild would challange another, and the leader would get a private message saying: "X has invited you to a town ownership competition. You will be fighting on your's/your opponent's town front." However, to prevent a guild leader from being constantly spammed with these messages, the guild leader could chose to not even recieve a message if they chose not to enter a fight. An example would be, in the "Status" tab, there would be two checkboxes: "Allow town competitions" and "Auto-matically Decline town competitions".
Once two guilds have agreed to fight eachother, they would enter their home town, and select the "Enter Town Battle" button. This would work the same as the PvE button, except there would be no other people other than who the guild chose. When they click the button, a pop up menu (resembling the GvG menu) will appear with three options: "Fight in your town", "Fight in the opponent's town" and "Random". Both party leaders much check the same box in order to compete.
People residing in the town would get a message appearing at the bottom of their Party Menu saying, "The Guild, 'X' is almost ready to compete over the ownership of this town with the Kurzicks/Luxons. Would you like to observe?"
Player's who click accept would be able to see the battle, and walk around in it, but would not be able to use skills/items to assist the guilds. They would also be invisible to the other teams as to not interfere. They would also be unable to communicate with either team,
People who are afk, or click decline, will not experience anything different.
When the fight is over, the winner takes control of the loser's town as well as their own. So it is possible to own two towns. People inside the loser's town will be given a message saying: "Your town has been lost to the Kurzicks/Luxons. They will gain control of this town in X seconds." When the timer runs out, they will re-load that town only to find it under the enemy's control. This means that it would be possible for the Kurzick's to own Cavalon, and the Luxon's to own House Zu Heltzer.
Correct town ownership will be reverted after the next map change.
This at least gives us something to do in towns!
Mini-Mission/PvP Area for owning a town
Diddy bow
/signed. The top idea sounds like loads of fun and puts a new spin on things ^^.So deos the other one im not sure about the town being taken over though :/
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
/signed. The top idea sounds like loads of fun and puts a new spin on things ^^.So deos the other one im not sure about the town being taken over though :/