hello im no noob in any way but i got a few questions that have been eating away at my sole.
1:if dead swords are so rare how come there are 4328091 of them and where are they dropping/how to farm.
2: why does it seem that crystalines are the most common sword in game(i kno about that farm but come on)
rare wepeons
placebo overdose
1. They aren't *that* rare. Desolation.
2. They aren't the most common sword, but people show them off more than they show off forked swords.
2. They aren't the most common sword, but people show them off more than they show off forked swords.
theres a lil thing called supply and demand..... Crystallines + Dead swords are in high demand so people tend to farm them much more, this is the reason you see so many more on the guru auctions... people want big money items not just a regular skin that wont sell unless its a req 7 or 8.