The idea is for a week long event (or last for 10 days). During this event, a new item is added, call the Zodiac Gems. There will be 12 type pf gem, one for each of zodiac sign. They will be spread out through the world (or at least a chapter). It would be like a large treasure hunt, with the goal of collecting time. And at the end of the event, will reward you special prize depend on how many you collected.
Well.. that’s the brief summary of it. Don’t think many will care to read it, but will still go in a bit more detail on it…
Idea Origin
This idea comes about as skimming through a treasure chest related thread, which for a reason or another, drift my mind to the Dragon Balls of Dragon Bal l (the collect the balls to make a wish part, not the power-up fire ball spiky hair part), thus resulted in this.
Event Duration
I think the best duration would be 10 days (2 weekend and the week in between), to allow most people to take a shot of it. It should not be too long, as it will loose its freshness, and all of the “secrets” (ways of getting the gems) will be out of the bag, and become public information. Thus don’t want it too long.
Zodiac Gem
As said, there will be 12 of them, one for each of the zodiac sign. They will be a item, which you could trade and exchange if you like. Get them from various means and locations. Some of the more rare gem would also have a limit cap too. See more below.
The Hunt
The Gem will be spread across the world, and you can get them in different ways. Some ways could include:
-As Drops: As a random drop in certain exploration area or specific monster type. More elusive.The more rare gems might also have a time-limit spawn cap on them. So one gem might only drop 100 times in a hour before it would stop dropping all together, till the next hour.
-As Reward for Deeds: a grantee reward for deeds, like finish a quest, or slaying a boss mob.
-At Specific Location: They could just be located on an catchy location. Like the Virgo Gem could be next to where you find the Broken flute, or Taurus Gem from a Minotaur Cave, etc.
For now, would imagine such event be on one chapter. But could certainly apply on to the other chapter for promotion (and fairness) there.
The Reward
At the end of the event, would have an NPC that would take in how much you gem you collected, and reward you with a special prize. It won’t be anything too fancy or powerful, with a starter prize (like 1 to 3 gems, each must be different) some gold, and better prize (like a head piece, a special rune, a average green weapon, etc) if you are able to trade in more gems. Even a final prize (or collecting all 12) be a special mini pet!
The goal will of course be to generate excitement and the buzz for game. People already like the treasure hunt, and this is a more elaboration of it.
It would also promote additional social interaction, as people will/might interact with one another more, trading gems and information on where to get them.
Oh, and here is a link about more info on what Zodiac are
Well, that’s the scope of the idea. I think I cover most of the detail. Like it or dislike, you make the call. Comments or critique be welcome.