Monk Weapons

Cyon Vaan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

In front of a computer.

Paladins of the Mists


What are the best wands, staves, and offhand weapons that you can get in Guild Wars? I'm a healing monk, and would like the weapons to have the best energy they can get. Also, what are the best Staff heads and wrappings you can get? Thanks!



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006


Swords of Honor (Officer)


Here's one way to go about getting the best weps

Go to

and look at the items dropped section of the bosses. Check out the stats on the weps and figure out the ones you want. Then either try to farm for the weps, buy them in outposts from other players, or search for who is selling them in the Auctions section of this site.

You will want to find either a wand/focus combo or a staff that fits your needs.

Some of the better weps will have a "Collector Weapon Counterpart" section in the wiki which will tell you how to craft a facsimile.

Good luck!



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Personally, for healing, I would use a staff with +60 Health or +5 energy and +30 Health. For protection I would use a staff with +5 Energy and Enchantments last 20% longer.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007




Here's a link to some if not all green monk weapons hope you find what you're looking .



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Pennsylvania, USA


Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
Personally, for healing, I would use a staff with +60 Health or +5 energy and +30 Health. For protection I would use a staff with +5 Energy and Enchantments last 20% longer.
I would have to agree. I am an experienced monk that uses staffs for all of my attribute styles (Healing, Protection, Smiting, and yes Divine) and I have also tried using the wand and offhand and they just suck in my book if your looking for good results.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


I think you might be from WoW or something. there is no "best" in GW. there are always different options depending on your playstyle and build. we need more info on your build to tell you what to do.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Scouts of Tyria


You didn't say which 'chapter' you are playing (Prophesies, Factions or Nightfall) and you don't say what level you are at. These have a major bearing on the equipment available to you. If, for instance, you have got as far as the Crystal Desert in Prophesies then you have some excellent collectors weapons and offhands available to you, with a little effort.

Cyon Vaan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

In front of a computer.

Paladins of the Mists


Lol, first of all, I have never played WoW. Second of all, I am a Monk/Mesmer, and have put all my attribute points into Divine Favor and Healing Prayers. Third, I have gotten as far as the Crystal Desert in the Prophesies campaign.

Cyon Vaan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

In front of a computer.

Paladins of the Mists


Lol, first of all, I have never played WoW. Second of all, I am a Monk/Mesmer, and have put all my attribute points into Divine Favor and Healing Prayers. Third, I have gotten as far as the Crystal Desert in the Prophesies campaign.




Join Date: Jan 2007

Drazach Thicket

Temple of Zhen Xianren [Sifu]

Check out Guildwiki and search for Monk Collector Weapons.

AZ DarkKnight

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Beer Refugees [Wine]


I wasn't sure what to use some of my Books of Secrets on at the end of NF, so I ended up getting one of the healing staffs which gives +20E (^50) and +30HP req9 healing prayers.
After checking all the collectors, the golds I'd got from chests etc, that around 25k for a Book was as cheap as making one (yes, I know some might say salvaged items are free... but finding a rq 9 healing staff, then the +5E, +30HP and the +5^50 mods was more hassle than its worth - especially with the # of chars I have ^.^).
As has already been said, there is no "best" as everyone wants something a little different and depends on your funds etc...HTH

Ahh just read back and saw you were in prophecies... well, unless you have a friend who can get you one of the items above, collectors would be the way to go, some decent items around in the desert.