nice questions



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




Im kinda new i have got many questions please

1. I saw with these upgrade components we can upgrade many times a weapon, but how many times? my schyte have now 4 upgrades i think lol.

2. How much cost in trade with other players 10 battle comendations? i know we can sell to NPC but to bored to find where or if is easy tell me.

3. When im atacking, for example, with my scyte, and i click on a skill (for more damage or some) and after 1 second i click other skill, these skills ill be simoultaneous in my atack, or only one? But if im clicking same second like 5 skills, these ill work togheter and my damage ill be very high?

4. Should i use expert salvage kits on low items?

5. This rune of vigor, for example (health+30, non-stacking, atached to armors) - what mean this "non-stacking"? if i have other upgrade items who give me more health and i add this rune my health ill be higher or cant use more upgrades?... Generally, i dont understand what mean this stacking things on upgrades, weapons, skills, if someone can explain...

6. If a weapon require 7 tactics but i dont have 7 i saw i still can use that weapon, strange. But damage ill be lower or what?? or his "upgrades" wont be effective?

7. Can i use customized weapons for other players? i heard i cant but isnt a NPC who can make something?

8. i saw a strange guy online, what he using?? he have a snowmen there too lol




Join Date: May 2006

1. you can upgrade as often as you want. theres only two different "mods" tho, and one inscription you can add in total. not sure if theres more by now tho. :/

2. not sure what the price on those was ..250g?

3. skills will activate one after another, meaning you cant have two scythe skills in one attack.

4. it doesnt matter. expert salvage kits are only there to save space in your inventory; in the end they cost the same (or a bit more) than the normal ones.

5. it means that runes of the same kind wont stack (except +energy runes and +10 health), so for example:

you have a minor vigor (+30 health) and major vigor (+41 health) on two armor parts; only the major vigor will give hp, the other is wasted, because they dont "stack". same with attribute runes; can only get the bonus once.

6. still not sure on this, i think you just wont deal the maxium damage. :/

7. no you cant. only for that one char its customized for.

8. special event items, some kind of tonics, forgot the names. you can get them in pve events. ^_^


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006



Lets give this a go D

1. I saw with these upgrade components we can upgrade many times a weapon, but how many times? my schyte have now 4 upgrades i think lol.

Wepons can be upgraded as amny times as u like, but will overright mods of the same catagory. For instance, your sythe can have 3 mods. 1 is an inscription (Say 15%^50) a prefix mod (say Sundering) and a suffix mod (say Fortitude) so it would be called a Sundering leetsythe of fortitude. any attempt to add an aditional mod would over ride this (say a vamp for sundering).

2. How much cost in trade with other players 10 battle comendations? i know we can sell to NPC but to bored to find where or if is easy tell me.

Sunspear great hall, you can trade them for items worth more than u can sell them to other for.

3. When im atacking, for example, with my scyte, and i click on a skill (for more damage or some) and after 1 second i click other skill, these skills ill be simoultaneous in my atack, or only one? But if im clicking same second like 5 skills, these ill work togheter and my damage ill be very high?

skills will work one after the other so if u click skill 1 and 2 quickly then one will hit followed by 2.

4. Should i use expert salvage kits on low items?

I wouldnt bother, just merchant them. ID kits can be worth it in higher areas on Merchant materials

5. This rune of vigor, for example (health+30, non-stacking, atached to armors) - what mean this "non-stacking"? if i have other upgrade items who give me more health and i add this rune my health ill be higher or cant use more upgrades?... Generally, i dont understand what mean this stacking things on upgrades, weapons, skills, if someone can explain...

Stacking is the abiblity to use 5 minor vigors at once. as it is non stacking (most runes are) then only one will count (I.E one +30 instead of +150) They will stack with wepons and +Health armors.

6. If a weapon require 7 tactics but i dont have 7 i saw i still can use that weapon, strange. But damage ill be lower or what?? or his "upgrades" wont be effective?

if you dont meet the requirements then the wepon will go to "starter wepon" stats i belive.

7. Can i use customized weapons for other players? i heard i cant but isnt a NPC who can make something?

There are NPC's who can customise wepons. once customised this wepon is only able to be used by you or your heros and is perminant

8. i saw a strange guy online, what he using?? he have a snowmen there too lol

Special items from online celebrations given out during halloweed and christmas period. one is a snowman summoner i think and the other is transfigeration tonic

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Mokone
4. it doesnt matter. expert salvage kits are only there to save space in your inventory; in the end they cost the same (or a bit more) than the normal ones.
Not true. You need an expert salvage kit to salvage runes. A regular kit won't salvage runes out of armor. Also, with expert, I think you can get more materials out of the salvaged items.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


also on the salvage need to be aware of what types of materials you will need to buy your start collecting that stuff now...sell the other stuff to players/merchant/or material traders....An expert/superior salvage kit has a chance to salvage a mod off of weapons and runes and occasionally rare materials such as steel or diamonds. I personally use and ID kit, an expert salvage kit and a regular salvage kit. And use them as necessary... Always ID any item other than white ones and you should id white ones as well once you start killing mobs that are atleast lvl 20.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007




If you don't meet weapon requirements, damage will be adjusted with what level you got in the required attribute. If you have very low, you'll get starter weapon damage, if it's mid-range from requirements you should get something around half damage. doesn't give higher damage if you have higher attribute than the requirements though. The exact ration for attribute vs requirements is somewhere on wiki.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




1. thx all especially Mokone who gave a detailLed answer to the hard question about staking, but still i dont got it good. So, because nobody have time to write here many examples and to be clear about stacking, ill take a example - if i have +30 health from insignia and i add a vigor rune +30 health, ill have +60 health from these? (i dont really know what are these insignia and the many kind of runes at merchant and what i should buy for my D/R). Or more examples if u can..
ill be back with more questions after i open the game, cuz i cant navigate on sites while playing on my low computer (ill buy other soon..), so i need to post more times to explain clear what i need

2. i have only nightfall so 4 accounts. If i buy Factions ill have 2 more accounts and i can travell with all my 6 chars in both areas, NIghtfall and factions? and all chars can acces my storage? This little storage is the biggest derision i saw, we should make a petition lol. In Diablo u can hold how much items u want. GW have bad rpg interface also, but still is the best game, cuz the atmosphere and graphics.

The dervish, for example is only Nightfall, so Factions players how can they see and play cooperative with a dervish in party if their game have not this char installed?? generally i dont understand how they can merge these 3 game versions online without bugs

3. im not yet registered to PlayNc and dont know how is, but how i can buy more accounts with PlayNc? i need to have a card and pay with this directly on site, isnt other way, like to buy in the store in my country? cuz i dont have card to use it on internet



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

Crazy ducks from the Forest


Upgrades: Upgrades can be applied any number of times, however, they overwrite the previour upgrade of the same type. For example: an inscribable scythe could have any number of inscriptions applied to it, but only the last one apllied would work, the previous would be lost. Note that a scythe has three possible types of upgrades: an inscription, a prefix (like Zealous scythe) and a suffix (like "scythe of fortitude"), combining into a "Zealous scythe of Fortitude with an inscription.

Battle commendations: You cannot sell battle commendations to merchants. You can only trade them with quartermasters for items and then sell these items. Usually, it doesn't pay to sell - just trade them for identification and salvage kits, and you'll save a lot of money that way.

Skill sequence: Some skills have activation times, some don't. Those skills without activation times can be activated at any time, even while activating another skill. Those that do have an activation time (including all attack skills - they activate as fast as you can attack again) are executed in order. For example, a dervish clicks three skills: Faithful intervention (activation time 2), Chilling victory (attack skill), and Conviction (stance, no activation time. The character will start by casting for 2 seconds, then it will begin to swing as fast as the scythe allows. Conviction, however, will be activated instantly when the button is pressed, even during the casting of the first skill (even though it was pressed third).

Salvage kits: The difference between salvage kits is what you can salvage from an item. With a normal salvage kit, you can only salvage crafting materials. With an expert kit, you can also try to salvage a magic component, if the item has one. For example, you have the Zealous scythe of Fortitude from the above example. If you use a normal salvage kit, it will be destroyed and yield some salvage material. If you use an expert's kit, you will be given an option to salvage either the inscription, or the prefix or the suffix. You will always succeed, but usually, the item will be destroyed. If it isn't destroyed, you can attempt to salvage the remaining upgrades.

Economically, I would suggest the following guideline: Identify all blue items and above, Identify all items, even white, once the enemies that drop them go above lvl 17, salvage only upgrades you can use or that are readily marketable, salvage for meterials only if you see a highly salvageable item.

Stacking: Stacking means putting one thing on top of another. If you see a bonus that mentions "doesn't stack", this means that if other bonuses that also have "doesn't stack" are present, only one bonus is applied, the highest one. For example, if you were to place three minor vigor runes and a major vigor into your armor, you would only get +41 health total, not +131, effectively wasting all but one rune. Other bonuses that don't have the "doesn't stack" will still work (like the bonus life from the weapon, insignia, ...). Also note thet different bonuses will work. For example, one armor with a superior vigor rune, a superior "Attribute X" rune and a superior "Atribute Y" rune will yield all three bonuses. Also note that all penalties will always successfully stack...

Attribute requirements: You can use any item. However, if you do not meet the prerequisites, it will not function fully, but will have the same function as a starter weapon (minimum damage). Upgrades will still work, IIRC. Your scythe would then only work at 4-6 damage, despite the higher potential.

Costumizaton: You cannot use items customized for other players. Not ever. An NPC can customize a weapon, but CAN'T UN-customize. Customization simply means the weapon is adapted to you. Forever. The only one that can use an item that is customized apart from the player that customized it is a hero of the same character. DON'T LET ANYONE SCAM YOU AND SELL YOU ANYTHING CUSTOMIZED!

The strange guy: Sometimes, GW hosts "party" events, like halloween. For these events, some special fun items are created to enhance the fun. The player in the screenshot is using two of these: a halloween tonic that transforms you into that creature for a while and a snowman summoner that simply summons a snowman for a few seconds. All these items are single use only and cannot be used in PvP.

The specific questions: if you have +30 life from insignia and a single vigor rune, you will get all the bonuses. There is only one "doesn't stack" bonus, and it will thus work. Just don't add more vigor runes, as they won't work. More insignia, however, would work, as would the little +10 health runes.

Accounts: you have one "account", to which you can add more chapter keys. You get +2 character slots for each, and ALL your characters can then play ALL of the content. Your dervish will be able to go to Tyria and Cantha, etc. Do note that you can already play with other people that use that content (see all those white and oriental guys in Kamadan? Well, they can't be from Nightfall, can they You will only be able to CREATE a new dervish as a primary class in Nightfall, though. Oh yeah, some content is only available to characters created in that campaigns, like the tutorials and duplicate quests.

All your characters will be able to use the same Xunlai storage account as soon as they can open one. This does also mean that the total storage you can have is that one account.

PlayNC - don't ask me.




Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Not true. You need an expert salvage kit to salvage runes. A regular kit won't salvage runes out of armor. Also, with expert, I think you can get more materials out of the salvaged items.
whops, i was actually talking about Expert-Sup, not the normal ones. my bad


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by xromania™
1. I saw with these upgrade components we can upgrade many times a weapon, but how many times? my schyte have now 4 upgrades i think lol.
You can put 2 upgrades on any weapon in the game. On Nightfall weapons, you can also add inscriptions. In addition to these, weapons can come with inherent mods, which can't be removed or changed. You can apply new upgrades over the the existing ones at any time, but you will lose the one you're replacing.

2. How much cost in trade with other players 10 battle comendations? i know we can sell to NPC but to bored to find where or if is easy tell me.
Save them. There are quartermasters in the Sunsear Great Hall that will trade you salvage kits, bags, and other useful things.

3. When im atacking, for example, with my scyte, and i click on a skill (for more damage or some) and after 1 second i click other skill, these skills ill be simoultaneous in my atack, or only one? But if im clicking same second like 5 skills, these ill work togheter and my damage ill be very high?
One attack skill per swing. But, you can boost your second attack by using the first to set the condition to make the second skill more damaging. hypothetical example: Use skill "A", which causes bleeding, then use skill "B", which does x amount of damage to bleeding foes.

4. Should i use expert salvage kits on low items?
Yes and no. If you want a weapon mod off an item, say a poisonous bow string, use the expert salvage kit. You can use them on armor to get rare crafting materials, but the lower AL of the armor, the less likely you'll get rare materials. For colored armor, ID it, compare what it's worth to whatever the rune trader is selling the rune or inscription for and base your decision on that. (if the NPC is selling it for 100g, he'll only pay 10g! But, if the price is over 150g or so, he'll give you a much better deal. And the Merchant will always pay at least 25g for any rune.

5. This rune of vigor, for example (health+30, non-stacking, atached to armors) - what mean this "non-stacking"? if i have other upgrade items who give me more health and i add this rune my health ill be higher or cant use more upgrades?... Generally, i dont understand what mean this stacking things on upgrades, weapons, skills, if someone can explain...
Runes don't stack on top of each other, but they will stack on other items.
Minor vigor rune + rune of Vitae = 40HP
2 minor vigor runes + rune of Vitae = 40HP

6. If a weapon require 7 tactics but i dont have 7 i saw i still can use that weapon, strange. But damage ill be lower or what?? or his "upgrades" wont be effective?
If the requirement isn't met, the weapon won't reach it's full potential

7. Can i use customized weapons for other players? i heard i cant but isnt a NPC who can make something?
No, you can't. And a customized weapon cannot be re-customized, so don't let anyone tell you it can be.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




thx iuris,kook for the long answers
- but if i click on Chilling victory, for example, how much time this skill ill be on? cuz there is no specification about duration.
- i repeat a question, cuz was no answer yet: The dervish, for example is only Nightfall, so Factions players how can they see and play cooperative with a dervish in party if their game have not this char installed?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by xromania™
thx iuris,kook for the long answers
- but if i click on Chilling victory, for example, how much time this skill ill be on? cuz there is no specification about duration.
- i repeat a question, cuz was no answer yet: The dervish, for example is only Nightfall, so Factions players how can they see and play cooperative with a dervish in party if their game have not this char installed?
Chilling victory is an attack skill, attack skills don't have a duration, it's a one time attempt to hit with the attack and then you wait for it to recharge. Skills that have a duration will say in the description "for 5 seconds you will......etc".

The reason you can see professions from other games is that when you install the guild wars client it actually installs all 3 games at once, but you don't get access to all the areas unless you have the correct key for that area. You can also get items from other chapters as well if people bring them over.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by xromania™
i repeat a question, cuz was no answer yet: The dervish, for example is only Nightfall, so Factions players how can they see and play cooperative with a dervish in party if their game have not this char installed?
Nightfall is the only place you can create a Dervish or Paragon. factions is the only place you can create an assassin or ritualist. However, you can take these characters (once you get to a certian point) to each campaign you have access to on your account.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by tijo
If you don't meet weapon requirements, damage will be adjusted with what level you got in the required attribute. If you have very low, you'll get starter weapon damage, if it's mid-range from requirements you should get something around half damage.
Wrong,if you dont meet the req you will do starter dmg no matter if you have the req of the weapon is 9 and you have 8 or 1, if you dont meet it , starter dmg.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




I saw the entire nightfall map on internet ( and lol im only in Istan, and there i dont visited yet 2 towns i see. Im lvl 11, i tried to ride in these town direction but cant get there so easy, i need guests to can travel there (to Blactide Den, Beknur harbor, Kodlonu Hamlet). I see on the interet map The Fahranur-the first city, here is a town with NPC and traders or what? and i can ride there or need a guest?

If my istani robes have health +25 because customization and i put in it a rune vigor (+30 health) and a insignia (some +15) and i have too a shield with +10 health, these all ill work like +70 health?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by xromania™
I saw the entire nightfall map on internet ( and lol im only in Istan, and there i dont visited yet 2 towns i see. Im lvl 11, i tried to ride in these town direction but cant get there so easy, i need guests to can travel there (to Blactide Den, Beknur harbor, Kodlonu Hamlet). I see on the interet map The Fahranur-the first city, here is a town with NPC and traders or what? and i can ride there or need a guest?

If my istani robes have health +25 because customization and i put in it a rune vigor (+30 health) and a insignia (some +15) and i have too a shield with +10 health, these all ill work like +70 health?
1. Keep following the primary quests in your quest log, it will take you to those areas.

2. yes, all those items will give you +70 health.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




"Note that a scythe has three possible types of upgrades: an inscription, a prefix (like Zealous scythe) and a suffix (like "scythe of fortitude"), combining into a "Zealous scythe of Fortitude with an inscription" (Iuris - best expanations, thx)
But how i recognize wich type of upgrade is a item, to avoid overwrite other? For example damage +16 (while hexed), damage +11 (while enchanted) are same type and dont stack? and any customization ill stack with these 3 upgrades?

In login menu is a button in corner "hide UI", what is?

I have only a lvl 12 D/R and NIGHtfall installed only, but i have the other 2 games too, but my computer have no so much space (and power..). Anyway, what advantages (i mean about advancing faster in game) can i have if i install one of them (wich?). Or prolly isnt a advantage. Ill buy another computer soon anyway.

i need a link with a list with WHAT collector gives for some common ITEMS. The collector locations i know (i got a collectors map)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

1337ville, California

Generic Name [Tag]


Originally Posted by xromania™
"Note that a scythe has three possible types of upgrades: an inscription, a prefix (like Zealous scythe) and a suffix (like "scythe of fortitude"), combining into a "Zealous scythe of Fortitude with an inscription" (Iuris - best expanations, thx)
But how i recognize wich type of upgrade is a item, to avoid overwrite other? For example damage +16 (while hexed), damage +11 (while enchanted) are same type and dont stack? and any customization ill stack with these 3 upgrades?

In login menu is a button in corner "hide UI", what is?

I have only a lvl 12 D/R and NIGHtfall installed only, but i have the other 2 games too, but my computer have no so much space (and power..). Anyway, what advantages (i mean about advancing faster in game) can i have if i install one of them (wich?). Or prolly isnt a advantage. Ill buy another computer soon anyway.

i need a link with a list with WHAT collector gives for some common ITEMS. The collector locations i know (i got a collectors map)
Hide UI just means it hides all the login stuff so you can admire the backround scenery.

You don't need to install the other games, just add the access key. If you install the other games it just creates a duplicate Guild wras file that has no benefits and takes up space, so don't install.

You can't advance faster through the game by installing the other campaigns, however you do get access to new skills, areas, armor, professions and a ton mroe things.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




back to this old post

i want to know how look a full upgraded char, i mean tell me all runes/upgrades bla bla he should have (and the location of runes and things in equipament), and about weapons, take a random one and tell me please too all best upgrades on it. More detaills are welcome (screens, prices, pvp advices, skills...) Thanx.

until i buy a stronger computer i want to know from a expert only how should i set my graphic options so my game run without bad lag but i want a decent look (i mean not the ugly look at 800x600). There are like 10 options in graphics and some strange, like antialiasing or 2 more in bottom left corner (wait for vertical sync bla bla). At least some sugestions or what mean some the strange options there
I have celeron 1700, 510 RAM, ATI 9950, XP installed on D:, gw on c:, free space on d: 2 GB



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




hey? answer me. Now!

im in 3 gw sites and this forum was the best for me but unfortunatelly i have lag, u guys too? and i need to leave it until this lag disapear. Cant navigate waiting each pag 1 minute...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by xromania™
back to this old post

i want to know how look a full upgraded char, i mean tell me all runes/upgrades bla bla he should have (and the location of runes and things in equipament), and about weapons, take a random one and tell me please too all best upgrades on it. More detaills are welcome (screens, prices, pvp advices, skills...) Thanx.

until i buy a stronger computer i want to know from a expert only how should i set my graphic options so my game run without bad lag but i want a decent look (i mean not the ugly look at 800x600). There are like 10 options in graphics and some strange, like antialiasing or 2 more in bottom left corner (wait for vertical sync bla bla). At least some sugestions or what mean some the strange options there
I have celeron 1700, 510 RAM, ATI 9950, XP installed on D:, gw on c:, free space on d: 2 GB
I might suggest that you look on to find out about max armor/runes/weapons etc. There really is no single "best" setup, it's more dependant on what you want your charecter to do. I would do some looking through guildwiki to decide what you want for equipment.

As for your computer problem......I can't be much help there



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




u should guess other sites load ok for me, so isnt my comp........

i wanted to know wich runes have a maxed char on Leggins, for examples. Just because im courious what things put old players, so i can understand wich things stack or no and to see new high runes i didnt found yet...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Mancland, British Empire

Well, I dont really know what did you mean by "Max char on leggins", my guess is that you want to know the armor class of the max armor, right? If that is the cass then Wiki have a nice section for all the in game armors for you to look at.

As for the understanding of the game itself, since you still in a very early part of the game, I suggest play it for a bit longer till you get to the main land and have a few more skills. Learn from playing.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007




i said i leave cuz lag but im back because i see wikipedia is from here. Btw i posted a link to wikipedia in other gw site to ask some and it was removed because "No linking to other fansites without permission" lol.

i traded with a guy, he tried to sell me customized things and also my game was stuck and i closed it. Was a cheat? cant be a coincidence my game didnt freeze before. Other guy, prolly a friend of him... started to whisper me because i said he cheat, my question is where is the official adress to report these screens, to have some fun about these bad kids? they should be banned few days to learn manners. The official gw site havent a forum i see, just a site.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

Azeroth (shhh)

Ryders of the Sword [FrNd]


:O Those people who whispered to you are idiots, wth.

Alright, to report these things, go to From there go to Support (or help, can't remember.) Then go to the Support Center link, and work your way until you find a link saying Ask A Question. Tell them about your problem and then send them the screenshots, and its done. They used to have an in game reporting thing and a knowledge base on, but it was moved to the NC Soft website above. Hope this helps.

EDIT: There are no cheats that can mess up your games by other players. If they tried to sell you customized things, they're just scamming you. Although they can be traded, you can't use them.