Is +5e^50 available as an inherent mod on staves?
I want a +20 energy Zodiac staff (+10e, +5e^50, +5e insightful staff head) for trapping. Am I spinning my wheels even trying to find such a staff? The staff doesn't have to come with the +5e staff head (I can always add that later), just the inherent mods that would provide a total of +15 inherent energy as a base.
Thank you.
Edit: I've checked wiki. I know that the Hale & Hearty inscription exists, and I believe that it can be applied to staves. But wiki is a little unclear on whether this bonus is available as an inherent mod on staves.
Question about "Energy +5 while health is above 50%"
Stormlord Alex
It is available as an inherent mod on inscribeable staves, however it is not on non-inscribeable staves. As Zodiac are, ATM, Factions only it appears as though you are out of luck.
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
It is available as an inherent mod on inscribeable staves, however it is not on non-inscribeable staves. As Zodiac are, ATM, Factions only it appears as though you are out of luck.
So then, if I wanted to go the Zodiac route, the max energy I can get is +15 (+10 inherent w/ +5 insightful staff head), correct?
If I want +20 energy, I have to get a Night Fall staff?
Acidic Won
That is correct. +10 and then +5 for all staves is cappable. The 5^50% is for NF only staves currently as it is and inscription.
+5e^50 can be found on zodiac (and any other skin) wands in factions or prophecies, so wands anywhere, staves only in NF.
Thank you for the responses everyone.
that stave aint inscribable as its from factions, get a different staff and get those mods, skin doesnt matter too much.
Originally Posted by sasukeUchiha
that stave aint inscribable as its from factions, get a different staff and get those mods, skin doesnt matter too much.
Anna, if the only reason you want it is for trapping, the Forgotten staffs at the end of NF are a good purchase/acquirement - generally +20 extra energy. One of my guildies uses one with 3 runes of attunement and end up with an impressive base energy of 58...