Acquiring Skill Points



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

New York


I just wanted to ask whats the best way to get skill points. I know you can get them in Missions, but can you only get them for the Campaign that you started in? And what repeatable quests offer a good amount of xp or what area should I fight in to get a good amount of xp?

Thanks in advance.

Jaws Of Doom

Jaws Of Doom

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006



For Campaign skill points, you can get them from missions after where you come in at. So, if you start in Elona, and port your character to Tyria, you can get skill points in missions after Lion's Arch, starting at D'Alessio Seaboard I think. The same goes for Factions, you can get skill points from mainland missions, but nothing from Shing Jea. The exception to the rule is Elona. Last time I checked, you can even get the skill points from the very first mission, even though it happened before you got their.

For questing, I suggest that you go to one of the high level farming areas. FoW, UW, SF, the Deep, Urgoz Warden, and DoA are all areas with high level enemies and quests for experience. I prefer FoW runs due to the large number of quests and relative ease compared to some of the other missions, but any are strong possibilities.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

In addition to the high experience you get from quests in UW and FoW, if you finish Prophecies, there are the Glint quests which give out I think 20k xp? Or is it 10k?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by Sofonisba
In addition to the high experience you get from quests in UW and FoW, if you finish Prophecies, there are the Glint quests which give out I think 20k xp? Or is it 10k?
Glint gives out 20,000 for defend droks, defend north kryta, defend denravi, and last day dawns. The last titan quest, titan source, gives out 50,000.

Also, the Sorrows Furnace quests give out a lot of experience. 10,000 to finish it all and like 5000-10,000 per quest (4 of them) and a quest after that called final assult that gives out a good amount of exp.

If you have a warrior, solo farm trolls outside of droks with exp scrolls, it takes longer than it used to but is still doable and gives out good exp and decent money.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Capping skills gives a nice XP boost also. Of course you spend a point for a SoC...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Ele troll farming is a XP gaining machine.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

1337ville, California

Generic Name [Tag]


Soloing bosses is a nice way to get experience. I like to solo Exuro Flatus. He gives 464 exp per run, but doubles with the blessing giving over 900xp per run and 2 lightbringer points. Each run only takes 3-4 minutes. You also get a chance at a nice green fire staff.