I need help with team chat
What's the command for showing your team your skills? I've looked everywhere and can't find it.
hold left CTRL button and click your skillbar
Just Another Dude
You can also hold CTRL and click health, energy, weapon bar, skills on you, people on your team.... almost anything...
Thanx. I don't PuG that often and it doesn't come up in low level missions.
Try ctrl clicking everything
You'll get a hang of it.

actually it does come up in the low level missions. I remember togo telling me that clicking on things tells your team what your doing.
Sxy Seraphin
cntl+ click on skills

Sxy Seraphin,
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When a post hasn't been made in over a month in a particular thread, it usually means that it's a dead post. Before posting, you should check the dates of the posts to see if the thread is still active or not. Sometimes its ok to bring up old posts, especially if there is a renewed discussion on a topic or you want to add NEW information on something that has already been discussed. Renewing the old post in this case will help people refresh the idea and add to the new discussion with the new information without making an entirely new thread. In this case, a simple question that was easily answered doesn't need renewed and will just cause clutterness on the Forums.