Prebuild/Mirror-match arena


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

This is a variation of 4v4 team arena, partly inspired by the randomness and player adaptiveness of sealed deck, and the desire to play a game mode where only player skill and tactics matter, no build vs build issues.

- Four player teams enter match. Their currently selected character and build will not make a difference.
- Upon entering a match, the players are presented with four random character templates. Their opponents will also have the same four templates.
- Players have X seconds to choose the template they want to play, on a one player per template basis.
- Include some UI features so you can see what templates are assigned to your teammates, and to deselect a currently chosen template. Also possible to alter skill ordering.
- Match begins once X seconds are over, or all eight players have chosen their templates. If there are still unselected templates, the players that have not chosen one, are assigned one randomly from the remaining templates.
- The character players entered the match with, is replaced by a character using the template that the player selected.
- Match then starts and plays out like a standard TA/RA match.

- Build template includes skills, equipment, etc. If the player does not have the required unlock, it is tempoarily unlocked for the duration of the match.
- A possible variation would be assign teams a random team build, instead of just four random character templates.
- Top players or competition winners can submit builds.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

I'd rather have it where it chooses stuff according to your primary class, the secondary can be changed.
Also I did suggest a random build arena where people get random builds according to their class...
And yeah.... it got shot...


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Allowing players to choose their primary class would still result in too much build vs build, and would remove the mirror match aspect. When both teams are using the same build, it is all about player skill. A certain primary proffesion will or imbalanced skill will not give you an edge, since the other team has the same thing.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

well, unless if you want a general character style (face, armor type, etc.), or some weird enchantment saying "you're really this class for now". Monks won't be warriors....


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Wow freaking awesome idea. I even like the idea of build submission, like they did with prebuilds that one time.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


hum i thought this was going to be a doppleganger time suggestion... like for guild halls.... that would be nice but this im sorry seems much to much like a gimic and kinda lame.... no offense




Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

After pondering for 30 seconds, I think the way to represent skill in the best fashion is to give the teams the same builds. That way you can see who's better with that build between the teams.