Okay, I may sound like a complete noob for asking this, but I have never recieved a chest run.
What am I supposed to do? Do I have to run with the runner? Do I give him/her my keys? Am I guaranteed drops? etc.
If somebody could thouroughly explain chest running, I would be very happy.
Thanks much!
Chest running...????
THE Mogulman
You buy keys and run with a party or by yourself to open chests.
Smile Like Umean It
Or "hire" someone. Most times it's actually free though. Just give them the keys or money for the keys and they run the chests. You can go with them, have them take screen shots or just trust them (only if you know they can be trusted.)
I thought u go with them and open the chest urself, dat way u get it added to ur title and dats wat its about isnt it? or do ppl only do this for the gamble of gettin a better item.
Originally Posted by sasukeUchiha
I thought u go with them and open the chest urself, dat way u get it added to ur title and dats wat its about isnt it? or do ppl only do this for the gamble of gettin a better item.
@ THE Mogulman: Don't give ANYONE your keys or money unless you know they are 100% trustworthy.
Originally Posted by sasukeUchiha
I thought u go with them and open the chest urself, dat way u get it added to ur title and dats wat its about isnt it? or do ppl only do this for the gamble of gettin a better item.
The other kind of chest running is what has been described above. If you do this, you are helping someone get their Treasure Hunter title, while you get golds to identify for your Wisdom title.
Back in factions before the release of Nightfall you could constantly get in groups to go on a chest run. Which with my experience it was basically a free for all? Run from place to place evading or running thru mobs of enemies just looking for chest spawns. When you found one someone would roll numbers for who would open a chest so to see if gold comes out. This was also my first experience with corpse watchers. I lost the roll and had to open a chest with mobs of critters around it. I opened it and got killed before I could get my gold Oni daggers. The group left me and went on after getting there gold’s. No pity from this group. After awhile they all left except for one guy who came back to my corpse and waited for the item to change so he could get it. Also spamming me with smack as he waited. Just a jerk if you ask me. And not only if that was humiliating enough once I zoned to town the first thing I saw was that same guy WTS Gold unidentified Oni Daggers 1K. This was the last time I went
Yeh, thats why i never go with groups, i always go solo, if you want to get into chest running i recoment u try places like Shiver peaks, Vabbi, luxon and kurzick area, then when ur more exp with what to do try harder areas, i wouldnt reccomend you trying FoW 1st try, as you will be new, get called names, etc etc and you will prob die alot, get used for aggro( i dnt do this

Sxy Seraphin
fow is the best place 4 chest runs

Malice Black
FoW chests suck
I prefer to solo run, running with other people hinders me more times then not.
If you want to know a few decent chest runners send me a PM and I'll recommend a few or you can just browse the service thread in Ventari Sell, I have used most runners there with no problems.
I prefer to solo run, running with other people hinders me more times then not.
If you want to know a few decent chest runners send me a PM and I'll recommend a few or you can just browse the service thread in Ventari Sell, I have used most runners there with no problems.