Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
Whatever, I don't like when people use some "tricks" (aka. exploiting) for make titles, nop, I don't like it.
IMO, is very stupid look at any People Know Me knowing that he/she has some titles very hard to get and some titles just doing easy things. IMO, all titles MUST be HARD to max, what is the purpose of easy titles? I don't see any; ArenaNet could fix that very easily, that added level to Sunspear title is a beautiful step /clap
All titles have methods of been easily maxed...
Protectors are just easy.
Drunkard is if you have the money for Spiked Nogs.
Sweet Tooth is if you have the money.
Cartographers are if you have Photoshop or access to GW guru (But still a pain in the arse).
Skill Hunters are more time consuming than actually hard.
Lucky/Unlucky are pure bred AFKing.
LB *was* pure bred AFKing, its not hard to max, just takes ages.
Sunspear wasn't hard to max, just had to know what you were doing in advance.
Chest Runner isn't hard. Just takes absolutely ages.
Wisdom can be gotten easily through buying unids. You need the money, nothing hard here.
Faction donation, if you were prepared to do the FF run 25000 times you'd have it. Easy, but extremely time consuming.
Gamer, can be hard to max fast. Easy to max slowly.
Survivor can be farmed.
ALL titles are maxable easily if you have:
The time or
The money or
Access to the right things.
Some can be said hard if you max them faster than taking the easy route... but that doesn't change the fact it can be gained easily.