Monk Armor Question
Cyon Vaan
What is the most prestigious armor you can get with this bonus: 5+ AL vs Elemental, and this bonus: +10 AL vs Physical? Also, what are is the most prestigiuos tatoos you can buy? Thanks!

Maybe Vabbi armor and add insignias?
Ariena Najea
Most Prestigious is Fissure of Woe armor, if you purchase it blank you can add your own insignias.
Most prestigious? 1k armor from consulate docks, or any max collectors armor is every bit as prestigious as any other armor in the GW 'franchise'. Why not just go check out the armor art here and on the wiki and get the one you *like*?
<-------as Ariena said, the most prestigious is FoW armor
well if you dont want to pay 1.3mil for your armor just buy some max insignia based Night fall armor.
Ist good so you can change based on what different spikes people are running and so on.
dont forget to use all minor sets!
Ist good so you can change based on what different spikes people are running and so on.
dont forget to use all minor sets!

Fissure of Woe armor is the most prestigous, althought, it's probebly not the rarest anymore.
Not sure in Insignias and whatnot...haven't been the forgemaster in over a year.
Not sure in Insignias and whatnot...haven't been the forgemaster in over a year.
Stormlord Alex
TBH, I never saw any prestige value in FoW, let alone Monk FoW. All it really screams to me is that you're a good 55. I prefer monks with style, so I'd say Ancient or Vabbi. With arm tattoos... now THAT is cool.
<------never made a 55, all ya gotta do is play the game and be smart about the way u manage your gold.