Doppleganger / Prebuilt hero fights



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


i always come up with builds and want to test them but currently there is no effiecent and non-irritaing *RA for example* way to test them.... right now i need to bug a friend/ guildie to scrim me and it gets annoying so here is my idea.

Guild halls need a doppleganger option, wherein you can fight an npc by yourself. this npc can be either an exact copy of your build or you can set a build for them to use. now this would give no benifit other than testing / training so there is no way to abuse this. ALSO this will help new players IMMENSELY. we have all gotten in a team in ra or whatever with someone who has a build that in THEORY would be good but in reality really really sucks, thus causeing your team to lose and you getting immensely angry. with this players could test if their builds are even POSSIBLE before entering ra and really ticking some people off.

just i would love this so tell me what you think and please no unsupported flameing of my idea, i would like constructive critizism.... and yes i know i spelled several things wrong >.<



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

One on One wouldn't work,
It should be you, and 3 heroes or human players or bots you can set skills too. Then the other side "the Doppelgangers" will have the same builds as your team.
Yeah... Testing builds as a team generally works better because you're rarely never on a team.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


yes that would be good too, actually you should be able to choose the size of your team / opponets to test many things