npc mini pet o.O
Spartn Warrior
this mini pet wasent following anyone..and it had a Lvl 1 floatin over its head and was called Birthday Jade Doll or somethin..
do you have any pictures of it?
He did post picture here:
Spartn Warrior ya go
Divinus Stella
yeh musta been a bug, there was an update a min ago, perhaps that what it fixed.
The name you saw was the name of the mini pet and it most likely belonged to someone.
A while back someone figured out how to target mini-pets (along with other things) and they were shown to have names like in your image, along with being lvl 1
image shown in post #12
so you were also somehow able to target them
A while back someone figured out how to target mini-pets (along with other things) and they were shown to have names like in your image, along with being lvl 1
image shown in post #12
so you were also somehow able to target them
Spartn Warrior
you dont had a lvl 1 floating over its head like when someone isnt in a party and it says N/Me20, cept it said "Lvl 1" and it only allowed me to target it when i moved my arrow over the Lvl 1 floating above him
Naomi Heartily
This *exact* same thing happened in HA International D1 earlier today, only it was a "Miniature Charr Doll". I was wondering how it got that way...
Try target nearest ally hotkey, just a guess.
Originally Posted by Spartn Warrior
you dont had a lvl 1 floating over its head like when someone isnt in a party and it says N/Me20, cept it said "Lvl 1" and it only allowed me to target it when i moved my arrow over the Lvl 1 floating above him
The name and lvl match what was found before
NPCs don’t display their lvl above their heads (although yes that can be changed), plus without a class/profession it’s hard to display something like N/Me20. I also kind of believe that ANet might have programmed those titles above the head as some substring of the first few characters of the string displayed in places like the party window or when you target someone.
Mini pets in areas where player lvl’s are shown above their head is new, so there is the chance for the unexpected bug. Plus, rather than the loaded once NPCs, mini pets can be loaded in and out like players entering/leaving the town, so there’s that similarity as well.
I can't explain why the mini pet might have been mistakenly loaded in a similar way as a player, since I don't work for ANet, but this is what I currently believe rather than it being a placed NPC by ANet.
Spartn Warrior
the N/Me20 was an example of where the Lvl 1 was..and he was an NPC which is what made it wierd..i realize that they dont have lvls above there heads..his name was light green=npc and he had a lvl over his head..-.-