

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

Castle 2_5_2 SwissLand




I used to play Guild Wars for 4-6 Months Total from the Orginal Guild Wars and Nightfall, and I recently installed the game again..

My Old Charcter from the Orginal and Nightfall from the Summer were Warrior/Necromancer. Is That a good class match up,o r no??

your advice would be appacatie

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


W/N is a good combination. A good warrior should use mainly warrior skills, then use 2ndary skills that require little or no investment to round off his weaknesses. For a warrior, that's conditions. And the necro secondary gives you access to [skill]Plague Touch[/skill] to keep yourself free from conditions.

Later on, you could try experimenting with on-hit Curses like [skill]Mark of Pain[/skill] or [skill]Barbs[/skill] - both of these require considerable energy investment, so you may want to get a Zealous weapon later on as well.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

Castle 2_5_2 SwissLand




Yeah, I was just making sure. I was pretty good Warrior Wise, but was having touble trying to master the whole necromancer type of spells. Thanks //