As many people will probably have known, Maatu keep over the past few months has been filled to the brim with botters that are farming the kirin and undergrowth's in pongmei valley.
One of the recent updates added dragon moss tot he area in place of many of the undergrowth spawns, making the area alot more difficult to farm and impossible to bot.
I'm wondering if there have been any other changes to areas similar to this?
Enemy changes in Pongmei - Countering Botters
xDusT II
Originally Posted by xDusT II
As many people will probably have known, Maatu keep over the past few months has been filled to the brim with botters that are farming the kirin and undergrowth's in pongmei valley.
One of the recent updates added dragon moss tot he area in place of many of the undergrowth spawns, making the area alot more difficult to farm and impossible to bot. I'm wondering if there have been any other changes to areas similar to this? |
Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Really? I know it's always been a high area for farmers pre-AI update. Kinda funny really I find farming dragon moss 100% easier now since the update. (since they didn't get affected by the update)
Absolutly true, I so like plant fibers and wood and all other salvage materials you can get from them :P and the occasional gold drop. Als the gold coins are nice. But its a boring farm actually, run in, aggro all, boom boom boom, run back in. And not to forget the farm code very quitly sets in in this region! Your warned. I don't do more then two runs at a time because off this triggering.
I used to farm the packs of Cobalts in the Vehjin Mines. I ran out last night and found they had added Cobalt Scabaras(anti-caster Mesmers) to the melee groups. I'd assume this was in response to the number of bots that had been going around there as well. Just hope this isn't a pattern that's going to spread to all farming spots. >_>
Rusty Deth
lol farming code.
Heh.... I guess I stopped farming that area just in time....
.... For collector items as it happens. Dragon Roots and Stone Horns.... Since I've got the weapons I needed, no more charging around Pongmei.
.... For collector items as it happens. Dragon Roots and Stone Horns.... Since I've got the weapons I needed, no more charging around Pongmei.
The problem with this is that in addition to being a good farming spot it was an outstanding place to level your heroes.
Enchanted Warrior
Don't worry soon enough, GW/Anet will secure all the areas from bots. Of course the players will have quit by then, but hey, all the imaginary loot will be safe, so we can take solace in that.