Silent MiniPets ! THANK THE GODS.
Personally the sound of the wee Dragon used to send me absolutly BONKERS.
Not only were the sounds horribly awful and grating , they in no way represented the minipet's character or size, they were totally out of proportion in both scale and volume.
A MINI PET, has a MINI sound.
Not a all encompassing ROAR, that is 30X louder then some of the enemies within the game.
Just like visuals, sound must be used in proportion and scale to the item/creature... whatever....... that is emitting the sound ! .
Therefore a much more realistic solution, would to have the minipet's make a noise that is equal and suitable to their size.
A SMALL ROAR! for the dragon e.t.c
A cute "bark" "roar" "meoooow" "Purrrr" "Mooo" "Mutter" "Howl" "Cry" e.t.c
for other pets of various errr breeds:P.
Use that thread to talk about mini-pet updates, please. There is also a thread in Sardelac, Return Mini-Pet sounds in Explorable Areas/Missions discussing what do do about them. Thank you. Closed.
Use that thread to talk about mini-pet updates, please. There is also a thread in Sardelac, Return Mini-Pet sounds in Explorable Areas/Missions discussing what do do about them. Thank you. Closed.