that too me" items that you find whilst questing.
I mean when i buy a key to a chest, i expect the bloody contents of whatever chest i should come by, to knock my god-
damn socks off!.
I want to be jumping up and down going "OMFG!!!!, WOW, i cannot believe i found this" , "this is INCREDIABLE", wow wait
till i show everyone else, wow wow wow.

However 90% of the time upon opening a chest, even in the most remote and heavily fortified locations, out "pops" a
wee Gold "Staff Of Uselessness" 14-20 dmg 10% chance of excitement.
Y A W N !

two hours of insane corsair slaying, and this is my REWARD

town to whinge and pick on Noobs now.

I want a weapon or a even *shock horror* a FREE PIECE OF ARMOUR, that
is so god damn huge, insanly unique in appearance, swirling with coloured auras, lights,detailed from top to
I want it to make my jaw hit the ground ! , to have my find feel like a genuine,absolute "SCORE".
I want to be so pyched out about it, that there is a need to race to tell my guild "lets meet up in the hall and come check it out" !!.......
And it does not have to be Weaponry.
Guild Wars players are LOVERS of novelty, we like things like minipets, that serve no other purpose other then their
absolute pure COOLNESS!.
This factor could be greatly extended upon, and practically offers a entire platter of creative idea's to be investigated.
There is a world of unique, cool and impressive "items" that could yet be included within the Guild Wars game world.
In short. Guild Wars is too stingy with it's rewards........
MORE items, weather benifical to gameplay or purely for entertainment.
Greater intensity ! , Greater dramatic and impacting weaponry!
Further stunning Armour! , more AWE INDUCING SPELL EFFECTS, ones that blow people away.
I can understand the need for restraint in this regards as obviously giving away too much, too soon can in effect destory
the delicate balancing act of contrast. However Guild Wars, seems a little to skewed towards the holding-out of the
Less is more, agreed. The balance within the game world is apparent, but it
need's further drama , greater frequency and intensity of spell effects
(visually and otherwise) .
Greater attention paid to the differentiation of armour,weaponry, personal items
and customisation of the invidual character.