1) I was playing this morning, and I was going to trade/sell a Hilt to a player. I opened up the trade, he put the gold up and I put the Hilt up, both clicked "submit offer" and both click "accept", for some reason it wouldnt let use trade. We both tried about 3 times, so we tested something, we both traded 1g to each other with no problems, but wouldnt let him buy the Hilt from me. Q1: What is going on?
Q:2 How do players get Halloween & Xmass Items and Mini Pets without trading or buying them from someone, is it some kind of a promo? How do I sign up to get one?
Guild Wars "new" Update Question
1st You get your minipet once your character is one year old
2nd You can get Halloween and Xmas items by participating in those events ( Wintersday, Mad King Thorn's Party, etc)
3rd That trade issue has never happened to me! Must be a new bug!
2nd You can get Halloween and Xmas items by participating in those events ( Wintersday, Mad King Thorn's Party, etc)
3rd That trade issue has never happened to me! Must be a new bug!
Wrath Of Dragons
maybe his inventory was full, or your inventory would have had over 100k
The amount of gold that he gave you must've added up past 100k (which is the limit that you can carry at a time) so that's why it would just cancel. I just had the same problem and that's because the person that I was trading with exceeded past the 100k limit.
Mini pets can be traded though, look on the auction and you'll see them for same. Holiday masks come customized so only the account that earns them can use them.
For the trade thing, that might have happen beacuse
1) Maybe the guys inventory was full
2)Maybe u are holding 100k'cause that is the maximum number of coins(cold hard cash) u can hold
3)Might as well be a buggy
-------------------------------------------------------------------------My English is second language, pease dont yell for grammar mistake.
1) Maybe the guys inventory was full
2)Maybe u are holding 100k'cause that is the maximum number of coins(cold hard cash) u can hold
3)Might as well be a buggy
-------------------------------------------------------------------------My English is second language, pease dont yell for grammar mistake.
Amongst the legitimate things listed above, I've also had the trade thing happen as the prelude to a scam - they want you to go into an explorable and trade by dropping things on the ground, they grab both and run. As long as you realize that dropping things on the ground is a no-no I follow along until that point. You never know if someone is just having some problems and isn't trying to scam.
Not saying the guy was doing that, but the times someone has tried to do that with me they did the whole "trade 1 gold" thing too.
Not saying the guy was doing that, but the times someone has tried to do that with me they did the whole "trade 1 gold" thing too.
Originally Posted by strcpy
Amongst the legitimate things listed above, I've also had the trade thing happen as the prelude to a scam - they want you to go into an explorable and trade by dropping things on the ground, they grab both and run. As long as you realize that dropping things on the ground is a no-no I follow along until that point. You never know if someone is just having some problems and isn't trying to scam.
Not saying the guy was doing that, but the times someone has tried to do that with me they did the whole "trade 1 gold" thing too. |
Originally Posted by the_geo_stigma
1) I was playing this morning, and I was going to trade/sell a Hilt to a player. I opened up the trade, he put the gold up and I put the Hilt up, both clicked "submit offer" and both click "accept", for some reason it wouldnt let use trade. We both tried about 3 times, so we tested something, we both traded 1g to each other with no problems, but wouldnt let him buy the Hilt from me. Q1: What is going on?