Mods for wands and focus items.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


I was wondering what kind of mods and/or inscriptions I can put on wands or focus items. I was looking to specificly modify these two:
Can I put for example, a +5^50 energy mod on the wand, along with a 20% long enchantment? Or only one of the two? And on the focus item, can I put any +5^50 energy mod on it? Or only +30 health mod? Or nothing because it has the 20/20?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

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Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


So basically I can't put any mods on it. But I can put insciptions on them? If I were to put a "Hale and Hearty" on the smiting rod, would it get rid of the 10% skill recharge? Or would it be added?