Huge Thanks to AN for Canthan New years Event
I'm really enjoying this event! Two big thumbs up to A-net! The rollerbeetle races are very creative and a great addition. The decorations are nice, the fireworks are fun, and the quests are humorous. Everything would be perfect if I could just get me a piggy.
Cheers A-net!
Cheers A-net!
Originally Posted by Glitched
Lol I have nothing against the Chinese, I just don't see how we need to search the globe for holiday ideas. To stay on topic, all I'm saying is that they are putting in way more material than needed into town decorations, mini games, extra arenas, additional armor, weapons, NPC models, quests, etc. that will be around for a few days. Once, maybe twice a year is fine. Four is not fine.
Over-worked events so far: Halloween '05 Christmas '05 Dragon Festival Halloween '06 Christmas '06 Canthan New Year I seem to be alone on this. I guess the majority of the guild wars community prefers pumpkin heads and beetle racing to auction houses and storage upgrades. |
Thanks Anet. One of the best events to date.
Kelsey Cain
Yup another fantastic event - shame it only lasts a weekend though - A little too short methinks.
I wish rollerbeetle racing would be around more often.
and I've gotten rich from tokens. I was finally able to buy that 50k scythe i've always wanted XD
and I've gotten rich from tokens. I was finally able to buy that 50k scythe i've always wanted XD
Originally Posted by uberpwnage
Apparently only 1 in 6 are good at it, though. (I.E. I win a lot and my guildies all hate the game =/
I think this thread needs a bump to counter all the negative vibes going on.
I am very thankful for Anet for doing this event. Despite all my complaints, i still do appreciate them taking the time out and creating this. So thanks.
Zorian Direspell
Rollerbeetle racing is so good it should be permanent. I know that's been said before for other event contests, but this Rollerbeetle out-strips them all.
It was not my favorite event nor was it my least favorite. Rollerbeetle racing made the entire event for me.
Thank you, Anet!
Lyra, are your ranger's boots and gloves dyed a different color than the legs and chest or am I just crazy? SO MUCH GREEN! But it looks nice.
Lyra, are your ranger's boots and gloves dyed a different color than the legs and chest or am I just crazy? SO MUCH GREEN! But it looks nice.
The Ernada
Originally Posted by Glitched
I seem to be alone on this. I guess the majority of the guild wars community prefers pumpkin heads and beetle racing to auction houses and storage upgrades.
One thing has nothing to do with the other in most cases.
I'm standing in Shing Jea right now and it is fun to see all those people rushing around, screaming (all caps) something about getting ingredients and how to get the hat.
And it's still an hour wait
I think it's fun so far and have some ingredients that I found in my inventory.
I'm just going to have some fun watching those people.
Thanks A-net!
And it's still an hour wait

I think it's fun so far and have some ingredients that I found in my inventory.
I'm just going to have some fun watching those people.
Thanks A-net!
After being sick of waiting for a pig to spawn for me, I bought one - and I really don't care that they are being given out. There's not a whole lot else to spend gold on, other than vanity items, in this game anyway.
I quite liked the event, but I'm trying to play less, so I'm glad to get a pig without having to grind out rock, paper, scissors to get more fortunes.
Fireworks were nice, and not having a lot of quests to do was good as I'm churning through them on my characters without getting too annoyed.
Fireworks were nice, and not having a lot of quests to do was good as I'm churning through them on my characters without getting too annoyed.
Great event Anet, thanks so much for it. Rollerbettle racing FTW!
All in all, a great event and the mini-pig is just a great addition.
It was a shame that the Euro-servers suffered so much lag and negated being able to play the roller-beetle games at times as well as many error code 007 problems going out of towns.
I enjoyed it and appreciate the efforts of ANet.
It was a shame that the Euro-servers suffered so much lag and negated being able to play the roller-beetle games at times as well as many error code 007 problems going out of towns.
I enjoyed it and appreciate the efforts of ANet.
Rodhin Kinning
Yep I would have to agree a very good event. I posted a repy in another thread on what I thought others might think to make it better next year but overall it was a fun event. I think it was an event made to let the players have fun with it and not grind to make alot of gold off it.
Terra Xin
I love that hapless quest, that was really unexpected and funny as well. Also loved the hopelss romantic as well...
Its sad that I didn't get to hear that lantern guy's story (that due who was in LA that was supposed to set up the lights) because he said he would tell a story and walk at the same time, but he never moved :S.
Overall... This is the best event..... EVAR!!! Well done, well done....
^%^ OINK!
Its sad that I didn't get to hear that lantern guy's story (that due who was in LA that was supposed to set up the lights) because he said he would tell a story and walk at the same time, but he never moved :S.
Overall... This is the best event..... EVAR!!! Well done, well done....
^%^ OINK!
Agreed, the event was good fun and the event quests had some nice humour. Just a shame half my guild are such sticks in the mud over things such as festivals or mini-pets..
Thank you Anet, I love my piggie. A guild in my alliance worship Oink, and they were really really pleased with the event too.
In the end, I think the event went pretty well, but if there is one background theme to it all, I would call it "Random"
The biggest pet peeve I have about the final event is that I think ANET could have provided a better explanation of how the process would work. I have to admit that when I first saw the details of the feast preparation, I understood it to mean that each character needed *every* ingredient to get the reward from the event. My first instinct was that the event was targetting at hardcore, well-connected farm bots. Icy lodestones??? Forget this! There was no way I could get those since I had no open slots or pre-searing characters.
I didn't bother with getting the ingredients at all.
Once the final event started, people quickly realized that only one of each ingredient was needed for the whole district to be successful. I felt very relieved knowing this, but I can see it being frustrating for some who tried really hard to farm a few of the more difficult to get ingredients from very stingy monsters only to lose out because no one in a district had a trivial ingredient like naga hides. I did end up contributing a few ingredients that I incidentally had on a couple of characters.
Also it was very easy to simply stand there and mooch off of the event. I admit I parked my character in a district overnight to see if it worked and it did.
Lunar fortunes... I'm not sure I understand the point of the effects from them, especially the +1 attributes effect. The outcome of using a fortune is completely random, so the utility value is low. Getting random fireworks from the fortunes was like openning a gift item. I do like the fireworks themselves as an event goodie. Entertaining to startle guildies with them now and then.
The reality is that I spent many hours doing the quests to get tokens to turn into fortunes to try for a minipet pig. I was actually trying to get two of them--one for a guildy who was out of town. So I would walk out of the monastary, open all of the fortunes to try for a pig and then walk right back in. I think many people did the same thing, so the +1 attribute blessing seemed to be a waste. The lucky aura was interesting eye candy (never did determine if it did anything else) and spritual possesion was quite entertaining. In the end, it took 5 characters doing quests and over 800 tokens to get one minipig. I was unsuccessful getting another pig with my final 5 characters.
After the final event, I ended up with over 6 minipigs. After grinding away trying to get a minipig via opening fortunes, I felt like ANET was laughing at me spending all that time to get one "the hard way".
The quests themselves were interesting and not overly long. The Big Bang quest was creative in particular. I'm not sure of the point of the one Nightfall event quest, especially for players with NF-only accounts... On that topic, I'm not sure how the final event was supposed to work out for Factions-only accounts either, other than luck by mooching...
Rollerbeetle Racing: I wanted it to be fun and it was for the most part, but there was some frustration there. They tended to be a bit laggy for me and more than once I would seem to be in first place only to "wake up" from extended lag and be in 6th place, stuck against a wall somewhere. Given the powerups, it seemed luck made a lot more differece than skill in many cases... Being lucky enough to Echo a Super Speed gave a huge advantage, while many times the random powerups just weren't usefull in the situation.
I guess its "anything goes" in those races, but player behavior was a bit of a downer... Several times I might have an early lead, but would be "punished" by the other players for the rest of the race. Many times I would get knocked down by one player and then be systematically knocked down by most of the other players.
Overal the races were a neat idea but have some warts. They are definatley less skill based and more luck based than the snowball fights as a comparison due to the random benefits of powerups.
For the event in general, I'm not sure if the initially low number of districts in the monastary was due to low interest or because many people were out desperately farming the ingredients for the final event. The number of active districts certainly did surge during the final event day though....
I liked the style of the of final event... reminded me a bit of "Iron Chef" as well as other cooking shows. About half way through the final event day, I give some credit to those that were trying to be organized and checking to see that the district had all of the ingredients covered. Unfortunately, there are always special people involved. There were the usual amounts of unpleasantness from players. A case and point common occurance during the count down was a player announcing he/she had the required ingredient whcih would be followed by unecessary shouts of "GIVE IT TO HIM YOU ********" Just another set of entries in the long list of why there is no incentive to not be a jerk in GW... /sigh.
The biggest pet peeve I have about the final event is that I think ANET could have provided a better explanation of how the process would work. I have to admit that when I first saw the details of the feast preparation, I understood it to mean that each character needed *every* ingredient to get the reward from the event. My first instinct was that the event was targetting at hardcore, well-connected farm bots. Icy lodestones??? Forget this! There was no way I could get those since I had no open slots or pre-searing characters.
I didn't bother with getting the ingredients at all.
Once the final event started, people quickly realized that only one of each ingredient was needed for the whole district to be successful. I felt very relieved knowing this, but I can see it being frustrating for some who tried really hard to farm a few of the more difficult to get ingredients from very stingy monsters only to lose out because no one in a district had a trivial ingredient like naga hides. I did end up contributing a few ingredients that I incidentally had on a couple of characters.
Also it was very easy to simply stand there and mooch off of the event. I admit I parked my character in a district overnight to see if it worked and it did.
Lunar fortunes... I'm not sure I understand the point of the effects from them, especially the +1 attributes effect. The outcome of using a fortune is completely random, so the utility value is low. Getting random fireworks from the fortunes was like openning a gift item. I do like the fireworks themselves as an event goodie. Entertaining to startle guildies with them now and then.
The reality is that I spent many hours doing the quests to get tokens to turn into fortunes to try for a minipet pig. I was actually trying to get two of them--one for a guildy who was out of town. So I would walk out of the monastary, open all of the fortunes to try for a pig and then walk right back in. I think many people did the same thing, so the +1 attribute blessing seemed to be a waste. The lucky aura was interesting eye candy (never did determine if it did anything else) and spritual possesion was quite entertaining. In the end, it took 5 characters doing quests and over 800 tokens to get one minipig. I was unsuccessful getting another pig with my final 5 characters.
After the final event, I ended up with over 6 minipigs. After grinding away trying to get a minipig via opening fortunes, I felt like ANET was laughing at me spending all that time to get one "the hard way".
The quests themselves were interesting and not overly long. The Big Bang quest was creative in particular. I'm not sure of the point of the one Nightfall event quest, especially for players with NF-only accounts... On that topic, I'm not sure how the final event was supposed to work out for Factions-only accounts either, other than luck by mooching...
Rollerbeetle Racing: I wanted it to be fun and it was for the most part, but there was some frustration there. They tended to be a bit laggy for me and more than once I would seem to be in first place only to "wake up" from extended lag and be in 6th place, stuck against a wall somewhere. Given the powerups, it seemed luck made a lot more differece than skill in many cases... Being lucky enough to Echo a Super Speed gave a huge advantage, while many times the random powerups just weren't usefull in the situation.
I guess its "anything goes" in those races, but player behavior was a bit of a downer... Several times I might have an early lead, but would be "punished" by the other players for the rest of the race. Many times I would get knocked down by one player and then be systematically knocked down by most of the other players.
Overal the races were a neat idea but have some warts. They are definatley less skill based and more luck based than the snowball fights as a comparison due to the random benefits of powerups.
For the event in general, I'm not sure if the initially low number of districts in the monastary was due to low interest or because many people were out desperately farming the ingredients for the final event. The number of active districts certainly did surge during the final event day though....
I liked the style of the of final event... reminded me a bit of "Iron Chef" as well as other cooking shows. About half way through the final event day, I give some credit to those that were trying to be organized and checking to see that the district had all of the ingredients covered. Unfortunately, there are always special people involved. There were the usual amounts of unpleasantness from players. A case and point common occurance during the count down was a player announcing he/she had the required ingredient whcih would be followed by unecessary shouts of "GIVE IT TO HIM YOU ********" Just another set of entries in the long list of why there is no incentive to not be a jerk in GW... /sigh.
Yeah, this was the best event yet. Rollerbeetle racing was great. 
GG ANet, I really enjoyed this event.
GG ANet, I really enjoyed this event.
Grasping Darkness
Yes it was great and I had a wonderful time. Bottle rockets are the bomb.
I took it on myself to go find all those ingredients not know if it was going to be an individual thing or not.
turned out it was a pleasant surprise to be able to provide for the whole district as my gift to the community. And after two long days of solo farming it was great to be able to just sit and enjoy the crowds.
Now this stuff happens every few months with an event so you and I can take a break form doing the same thing over and over (whatever that might be for us) and do something a little different and a little more "community" based. It's a nice change of pace to luck into a district where the players are behaving like a community. I saw more of it at wintersday than the latest event but it's still pleasant.
Now for those reading: what ruins these events are the folks that just need to shout grief at those wanting to participate. If you don't like it, go play in the other parts of the game. There is tons of stuff that is not being effected by the event so go do that stuff.
turned out it was a pleasant surprise to be able to provide for the whole district as my gift to the community. And after two long days of solo farming it was great to be able to just sit and enjoy the crowds.
Now this stuff happens every few months with an event so you and I can take a break form doing the same thing over and over (whatever that might be for us) and do something a little different and a little more "community" based. It's a nice change of pace to luck into a district where the players are behaving like a community. I saw more of it at wintersday than the latest event but it's still pleasant.
Now for those reading: what ruins these events are the folks that just need to shout grief at those wanting to participate. If you don't like it, go play in the other parts of the game. There is tons of stuff that is not being effected by the event so go do that stuff.
Lord Palidore
Yeah, after all complaints the 6 months on lack of events for Canthans, I do appreciate the fact that they listened and did something for us. Doesn't mean I'm not hoping for Halloween and Wintersday events in Cantha next year though :P. I just think that Anet didn't have enough time to design one, as even the two events that did take place were identical to last years besides the hats (which is ok, still like the events).
As far as the hat goes for this one, love the lion hat, and the miniature is a cool addition too
Only thing though with the hat:
First I thought it was a dragon.
Then I realized from the text it was a lion.
Shouldn't it be a pig mask? If you think about it, a translucent (celestial) mask of any kind would be really cool
As far as the hat goes for this one, love the lion hat, and the miniature is a cool addition too

Only thing though with the hat:
First I thought it was a dragon.
Then I realized from the text it was a lion.
Shouldn't it be a pig mask? If you think about it, a translucent (celestial) mask of any kind would be really cool

Yes, to AN goes a big THANK YOU for another fun event!
Phaern Majes
Great event Anet. Merci boucoup, love the mask, had fun, RBR roxors

I really enjoyed myself during this event, and I feel that it was one of the best so far. It was a great idea for A-net to try some new approaches to playing the game like racing, and having an entire district work toward some common goal (the meal creation). I also liked the idea of event-only minipets.
Congrats, A-net, you did a fantastic job!
Congrats, A-net, you did a fantastic job!
Phaedra Firesoul
Very Fun ANet, Thanks!
Thank you Anet!
This event owned. The towns looked amazing, the bonus items were fun, the mini pig is cute and the Rollerbeetle Racing needs to be permanent! GW would really benefit from expanding the kinds of activities your characters can take part in, Rollerbeetle racing is a nice start, and just plain addictive fun!
This event owned. The towns looked amazing, the bonus items were fun, the mini pig is cute and the Rollerbeetle Racing needs to be permanent! GW would really benefit from expanding the kinds of activities your characters can take part in, Rollerbeetle racing is a nice start, and just plain addictive fun!
Big thanks to A-net for the event, I really enjoyed it.
Personally I thought the collector item ingredient thing was pretty neat. I joined up with some guild and alliance mates to collect all the items for one district and was very glad to see other guilds/alliances doing the same (in particular I noticed the [Kono] Alliance doing this). Many thanks not only to A-net, but the gracious players who contributed to collecting ingredients.
Personally I thought the collector item ingredient thing was pretty neat. I joined up with some guild and alliance mates to collect all the items for one district and was very glad to see other guilds/alliances doing the same (in particular I noticed the [Kono] Alliance doing this). Many thanks not only to A-net, but the gracious players who contributed to collecting ingredients.
I had so much fun. Thank you very much!
Fostered a lot of community spirit.
Fostered a lot of community spirit.
I had a blast doing the quests and getting the lunar tokens, changing them to fortunes and stepping outside to see what loot I got (no pigs, but LOTS of $$) only regret was spending soo much time farming for the chefs that I didnt have a chance to even try the rollerbeetles
......but my chances of actually making it into the top 1,000,000 would have been nil.....
so instead I have 6 little piggies.....tons of bottle rockets, sparklers, poppers and lots of extra plat to buy my new ancient armor (and maybe get that vabbi stuff for my newest rit!).....and running around after the pig was a hoot!
Thanks for letting the mask be makes it sooo custom then.
thanks sooooo much-----lets do this again sometime really soon, ok?!
I had a blast doing the quests and getting the lunar tokens, changing them to fortunes and stepping outside to see what loot I got (no pigs, but LOTS of $$) only regret was spending soo much time farming for the chefs that I didnt have a chance to even try the rollerbeetles

so instead I have 6 little piggies.....tons of bottle rockets, sparklers, poppers and lots of extra plat to buy my new ancient armor (and maybe get that vabbi stuff for my newest rit!).....and running around after the pig was a hoot!
Thanks for letting the mask be makes it sooo custom then.
thanks sooooo much-----lets do this again sometime really soon, ok?!
Ok, usually I have fun with the events and such. That said, I enjoyed the racing and the humor in the quests, but overall I do have some negative feedback. I went through about 200 of those "gift bags", most in one sitting, and still didnt get a mini pet, so I gave up on that. Outside of the 4 basic quests and rollerbuggin, wasnt much to do for the overall event. Finally, it was way to short. I had some family emergency to attend to so I missed most of it because it was only a weekender. Also, whose brilliant idea was it to have the final event for only 12 hours IN THE MORNING! I mean come on, I came home a half hour late and it was over. Most people in the US are sleeping between 12 and 8am, so thats 8 hours for the final event gone right there. The other 4 hours are generally spent at work, so the whole final event is missed. To me it just doesnt make logical sense. Why could they not simply do as they did for halloween and have it go throughout the full 24 hour day to make sure that every player at least has the chance to enjoy the final event that they worked so hard to put together. Or at least have it during different times across the different language servers to accommodate the peak times for all the player base.
Well anyway, those are my only real gripes about the event. I did find the towns nicely decorated and the rollerbuggin to be mildly fun for the first dozen or so attempts. (Getting 2nd 8 times in a row gets kinda annoying). I do agree with the person who suggested spending less time on making the events and more time on making the overall game better. I rarely get a chance to enjoy the events fully because they are here and gone so quickly. It'd be nice to have a special "holiday" server, where players could experience every holiday in every town whenever they wanted just for the fun of it. But I digress.
Well anyway, those are my only real gripes about the event. I did find the towns nicely decorated and the rollerbuggin to be mildly fun for the first dozen or so attempts. (Getting 2nd 8 times in a row gets kinda annoying). I do agree with the person who suggested spending less time on making the events and more time on making the overall game better. I rarely get a chance to enjoy the events fully because they are here and gone so quickly. It'd be nice to have a special "holiday" server, where players could experience every holiday in every town whenever they wanted just for the fun of it. But I digress.
This was one of the most fun events I've participated in. Largely because my fellow guildies and alliance members banded together to provide complete sets of chef ingredients for the last three showings in district 115. COE and our other allies really came together and we all had a blast.
I also thought the rollerbeetle racing was a real blast. I wish they would keep it around or bring it back once a month or something. I would love to be able to play that some more.
Hope everything is ok with your family now.
However, the final event was 24 hours. If you meant that it was "essentially" only 12 hours, then I still think you're off. First of all, it was on a weekend when most people aren't working. And unlike the last couple events, there was only one hat to get, so you only had to make one time. It started at 12 only on the West Coast. It was 3AM on the East (and 10PM in Hawaii), so by 8am on the easy coast, they would only have missed 5 hours of the event. Moreover, if you were on the West Coast it would have ended for you at midnight, so even if you slept til 10am on Sunday, worked a ten hour day, and took another 1 hour to get home from work, you would still have an hour to log into the final event.
I also thought the rollerbeetle racing was a real blast. I wish they would keep it around or bring it back once a month or something. I would love to be able to play that some more.
Originally Posted by Verkinix
Finally, it was way to short. I had some family emergency to attend to so I missed most of it because it was only a weekender. Also, whose brilliant idea was it to have the final event for only 12 hours IN THE MORNING! I mean come on, I came home a half hour late and it was over. Most people in the US are sleeping between 12 and 8am, so thats 8 hours for the final event gone right there. The other 4 hours are generally spent at work, so the whole final event is missed.
However, the final event was 24 hours. If you meant that it was "essentially" only 12 hours, then I still think you're off. First of all, it was on a weekend when most people aren't working. And unlike the last couple events, there was only one hat to get, so you only had to make one time. It started at 12 only on the West Coast. It was 3AM on the East (and 10PM in Hawaii), so by 8am on the easy coast, they would only have missed 5 hours of the event. Moreover, if you were on the West Coast it would have ended for you at midnight, so even if you slept til 10am on Sunday, worked a ten hour day, and took another 1 hour to get home from work, you would still have an hour to log into the final event.