Error 007's in RollerBeatle Races
Swift Thief
Ok, the five times I entered the Rollerbeatle races, I got an error 007 while loading four times. It then takes me back to the character selection screen and my character is in Shing Jea Monastary. Has anyone else been experiencing these problems?
ive been getting code15...has to recconect to races all time
Ive been getting so much lag in the races its not even funny!
Wretchman Drake
These races are disastorous. The lag is unbearable to some point. The high scores simply represent who has the fasted computers and intetnet connection. Even the dumbest person can get those scores with the technology. Plus, the amount of tokens and Gamer points you get for winning are pathetic...
I'm extremely dissapointed in the race, i was looking forwards to this, but its just way to buggy, just hate it now.
Swift Thief
Originally Posted by Wretchman Drake
These races are disastorous. The lag is unbearable to some point. The high scores simply represent who has the fasted computers and intetnet connection. Even the dumbest person can get those scores with the technology. Plus, the amount of tokens and Gamer points you get for winning are pathetic...

Gaile Gray
We've just put up a new build. Please let us know if it's functioning better now. Thanks!
John Cotica
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
We've just put up a new build. Please let us know if it's functioning better now. Thanks!
You just got tomahawked
No, Gaile I'm still getting raped by the lag.
Orphan Anthem
ive gotten a lag streak for 3 in a row other then that 5 stars
Pwny Ride
lag and soo mch rubber banding, it's just lame
Same for me..although i did manage 2 get 3 Flawless wins in a row, still buggy though

Das Hip
It was fine when I was trying it out... But that was at about 1:00pm PST... There were only two districts of racers at the time.. The lag must be caused by all the demand. I have an even lower-end rig than the guy above who posted and I was doing just fine

Whatever the reason, it's not just races. The game is completely unplayable for some people because this sudden lag affects every area. It appears to be completely random, going from normal responsiveness to 40,000+ latency back down to a couple hundred. It's not acceptable.
lol 1st time I tried the race I won, then started the next one only to lag threw the whole thing =( oh well