Need Help....Please..Laptop shuts down in game...
Can any of your tech guru's help me out? Please...
I need help bad...I need my Video Crack.....
My system:
Toshiba Satellitie P105-6147 (17 inch) Laptop
Processor: Intel Dual core [email protected],1.60GHz
System Type: 32 bit
RAM: 1014 MB
OS: Windows Vista Home Premium
Video Card: Mobile Intel 945 GM Express Chipset Family
Harddrive: 120 GB
Power supply: 300w
Internet Conection: Cable modem (Mainly wireless-24 inches from router)
have tried direct to router also still get same problem.
Programs I have downloaded onto laptop:
Guild Wars: all three chapters (w/" -image")
Avast free anti-virus, It is registered
A little history:
This laptop is 2 days old. It is the second one in the last two weeks. First laptop was the same brand. Did an exchange for the new one that has the same problem(s).
My Problem:
OK, when I'm in missions or in large cities my screen goes black and then the laptop shuts down. Apon reboot it ask me what mode I want to use to restart since windows closed unexpectedly.
The time varies from 60 seconds or less from entering mission/city to 60 seconds after leaving those areas. I have had it shutdown multipule times in the same mission or city.
What I have done to fix the problem: On last laptop
Reset all sleep/hibernation modes to never. IE: harddrive/monitor/power/
Screensaver is set at 90 minutes.(Toshiba says if blank it can cause PC to go to sleep mode)
Contacted Toshiba:
(There Tech support is crappy. They don't speak english and just put you on hold and tell you that you have a bad phone connection when you tell them you can't understand them)
Did recovery on entire system. 2 times
Reloaded GW/Ventrillo(3 times) and anti-virus software(1 time)
Booted GW with " -dx9" and " -dx8"
Played GW in full screen and windows mode
Confirmed that everything on laptop had vista drivers, which it does.
Contacted GW tech support.
They had no solution except to tell me that GW's doesn't support the Vista OS yet and they didn't know when they would be updating. And I can post the email from GW tech support if you need to see them.
Took laptop to CompUSA.
Thier tech double checked all settings to insure I had set all the sleep/hibernation. Only one I missed was harddrive.
Still same problem. So I exchanged old laptop for new one.
Did everything to new laptop but still have the same problem(s).
Extra Informaton: You can never have to much..
Windows Problem Reports and Solutions:
Tells me this when I reboot from the shut down:
Toshiba Flash Cards: Stopped responding and was closed
Windows: Video Hardware error. Calls it a LiveKernelEvent
when I send report it tells me it doesn't reconize this event for my OS version.
Windows Defender Command Line Utility: Mp Telemetry.. Don't have a clue what this is...
Event Viewer:
17 errors last 24 hours
With tons of warnings
I don't understand any of them. When I send reports it tells me on everyone I have sent that it does not reconize that event with my OS.
Did read that the bluetooth device in my laptop sometimes conflicts with wireless LAN. But don't know how to check or fix that issue.
I know I should have consulted the experts on here first... But I had a severe case of the dumb ass, and tried to fix the problem(s) on my own.
Big Mistake........
My IGN: Calayas Alerie Asil
Thank You in advance.....
I need help bad...I need my Video Crack.....
My system:
Toshiba Satellitie P105-6147 (17 inch) Laptop
Processor: Intel Dual core [email protected],1.60GHz
System Type: 32 bit
RAM: 1014 MB
OS: Windows Vista Home Premium
Video Card: Mobile Intel 945 GM Express Chipset Family
Harddrive: 120 GB
Power supply: 300w
Internet Conection: Cable modem (Mainly wireless-24 inches from router)
have tried direct to router also still get same problem.
Programs I have downloaded onto laptop:
Guild Wars: all three chapters (w/" -image")
Avast free anti-virus, It is registered
A little history:
This laptop is 2 days old. It is the second one in the last two weeks. First laptop was the same brand. Did an exchange for the new one that has the same problem(s).
My Problem:
OK, when I'm in missions or in large cities my screen goes black and then the laptop shuts down. Apon reboot it ask me what mode I want to use to restart since windows closed unexpectedly.
The time varies from 60 seconds or less from entering mission/city to 60 seconds after leaving those areas. I have had it shutdown multipule times in the same mission or city.
What I have done to fix the problem: On last laptop
Reset all sleep/hibernation modes to never. IE: harddrive/monitor/power/
Screensaver is set at 90 minutes.(Toshiba says if blank it can cause PC to go to sleep mode)
Contacted Toshiba:
(There Tech support is crappy. They don't speak english and just put you on hold and tell you that you have a bad phone connection when you tell them you can't understand them)
Did recovery on entire system. 2 times
Reloaded GW/Ventrillo(3 times) and anti-virus software(1 time)
Booted GW with " -dx9" and " -dx8"
Played GW in full screen and windows mode
Confirmed that everything on laptop had vista drivers, which it does.
Contacted GW tech support.
They had no solution except to tell me that GW's doesn't support the Vista OS yet and they didn't know when they would be updating. And I can post the email from GW tech support if you need to see them.
Took laptop to CompUSA.
Thier tech double checked all settings to insure I had set all the sleep/hibernation. Only one I missed was harddrive.
Still same problem. So I exchanged old laptop for new one.
Did everything to new laptop but still have the same problem(s).
Extra Informaton: You can never have to much..
Windows Problem Reports and Solutions:
Tells me this when I reboot from the shut down:
Toshiba Flash Cards: Stopped responding and was closed
Windows: Video Hardware error. Calls it a LiveKernelEvent
when I send report it tells me it doesn't reconize this event for my OS version.
Windows Defender Command Line Utility: Mp Telemetry.. Don't have a clue what this is...
Event Viewer:
17 errors last 24 hours
With tons of warnings
I don't understand any of them. When I send reports it tells me on everyone I have sent that it does not reconize that event with my OS.
Did read that the bluetooth device in my laptop sometimes conflicts with wireless LAN. But don't know how to check or fix that issue.
I know I should have consulted the experts on here first... But I had a severe case of the dumb ass, and tried to fix the problem(s) on my own.
Big Mistake........
My IGN: Calayas Alerie Asil
Thank You in advance.....
I can go into explorable areas and small outposts and towns wothout any problems.....
My next door neighbor upgraded to Vista as soon as it came out. Big mistake as most of t=his games (GW, WoW, Half Life, Unreal Tourney, and a bunch of others) all started to give him major problms that he never had with XP. His solution was to reinstall XP pro. Personaly I would see if I could get a laptop with XP media center edition, seeing as atm Vista seems to not like gamers. Looking over the errors that you are posing it looks like several of your Dll's are either 1 corrupted or 2 not beign read right, and causing the problems. I am not thrilled with Vista myself seeing as I have had to do several reinstalls for friends who are not as tech savvy as I am. Most times they wanted the reinstall was due to games not working properly Until the game companies give us updates that will support Vista I cannot reccomend it to anyone. Just stick with XP until they do that.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Yeah, I agree I need to go back to XP, just don't want to void the laptops warranty. The main reason I bought the laptop I did was because of the price. I couldn't get the same stats on an XP laptop for around $900.00 dollars when I was looking at them. This one was the best bang for the buck. And after I had read all the post that Vista was working fine with GW I figured it was a good purchase. Boy was I wrong... Hopefully Anet will get around to getting completely online with Vista, until gues I'll just play the parts of the game that I can...
Thanks Again..........
Big Ugly
Thanks Again..........
Big Ugly
Ok, I don't know what your friend did MegaMouse, but I've had no issues with Vista Home Premium and any of my games sice i got it and I installed it two days before the release as I got it early for some reason
Anyway, no issues here, in fact, after benchmarking, I've actually had a 5% increase in some games
Anyway, no issues here, in fact, after benchmarking, I've actually had a 5% increase in some games
Originally Posted by MegaMouse
My next door neighbor upgraded to Vista as soon as it came out. Big mistake as most of t=his games (GW, WoW, Half Life, Unreal Tourney, and a bunch of others) all started to give him major problms that he never had with XP. His solution was to reinstall XP pro. Personaly I would see if I could get a laptop with XP media center edition, seeing as atm Vista seems to not like gamers. Looking over the errors that you are posing it looks like several of your Dll's are either 1 corrupted or 2 not beign read right, and causing the problems. I am not thrilled with Vista myself seeing as I have had to do several reinstalls for friends who are not as tech savvy as I am. Most times they wanted the reinstall was due to games not working properly Until the game companies give us updates that will support Vista I cannot reccomend it to anyone. Just stick with XP until they do that.
Mega Mouse |
I have no idea where you get "Vista does not like gamers" from as most of the forum user on the various sites seem to agree with me and a few vista users on here, and just to reinstall so easily without much troubleshooting isn't really being tech savvy as you put it. You cannot blame microsoft for certain compaines like nvidia or creative for not releasing certified drivers yet(i'm using the beta's from nvidia and creative and not had 1 issue).
As for updates that support Vista??? this confuses me, most game companies do not need to release patches etc as by default games will run in 32bit mode, unless there is a 64bit patch available and your running 64bit version of vista. there are a few ways to get games running under vista if your having problems, run in XP compatibility mode is the easiest. The advice / reasons you have given are weak to say the least.
/agree with cannonfodder
the only issues I had was installing the 64bit version of vista, then nothing worked, but under the 32bit version, all my XP programs worked fine, hell, they worked faster than under XP as Vista as built in Dual Core processor compatablity
the only issues I had was installing the 64bit version of vista, then nothing worked, but under the 32bit version, all my XP programs worked fine, hell, they worked faster than under XP as Vista as built in Dual Core processor compatablity
Most games work perfectly well on Vista, with a decent video adapter and drivers.. The issue is probably that mediocre graphics chipset and craptastic Vista drivers for it.
I'm getting a Vista...
So does it work or not?!
Cause if the one says it works, and the other one says it don't
what DO I have to think about this whole freaking problem??
So does it work or not?!
Cause if the one says it works, and the other one says it don't
what DO I have to think about this whole freaking problem??
Vista works fine, there are still a few bugs that will probably appear but nothing that should give you real problems, that's what updates are for.
Vista works great, but there are still a lot of third party drivers that completely suck ass. Best bet is to get all your system specs and ask in a few hardware forums.
Originally Posted by cannonfodder
As for updates that support Vista??? this confuses me, most game companies do not need to release patches etc as by default games will run in 32bit mode, unless there is a 64bit patch available and your running 64bit version of vista. there are a few ways to get games running under vista if your having problems, run in XP compatibility mode is the easiest. The advice / reasons you have given are weak to say the least.
As I understand it vista comes with Direct X 10. It is quite possible that the api(s) Have changed quite significantly. I do not know much about Dx 10 at this time however and couldn't back that up with anything but a fart in the wind. If these api(s) have changed it is quite possible that some pieces of older and even new hardware may have trouble understanding these new command set, even with beta drivers.
To the OP:
I would suggest that you check out each piece of hardware and see how it fairs in the frame of compatibility with vista.
Just because your machine is labeled vista ready does not make it Vista ready.
In fact it is highly likely that the Mobile Intel 945 GM Express Chip set Family is not capable of high throughput and performance under the requirements of Vista much less Guildwars itself. I would tend to believe that it would just barely be squeaking by if you have or had the Aero Interface active. Which in itself would further compound performance failures on the above adapter. I am not sure there is a remedy for your problem at this time if one will ever arise. Intel graphic chip sets work fine for desktop computer task but they lack and over whelming level of support for applications requiring 3D output.
Though Intel has made great in road as of late, My personal opinion would be that you are overdriving this adapter and that there is some kind of configuration problem that is preventing your system from correctly controlling the fan speeds on the GPU if it is not a passive cooling system. Your only recourse maybe to hash it out with the company you bought it from, or the company that guarantees it.
If you are out to get a good laptop, that will last you for a period of time, stay away from units that contain Intel video chip sets, and systems that contain Nvidia or Ati Express/Go chip sets. Avoid systems that tell you that they use Shared Memory Architectures or Dynamically allocated memory systems for your Integrated Graphics systems. These systems remove portions of your Mainboards System memory that can further impact overall performance. This especially if your machine only meets the bare minimum requirements for your pre-installed OS. Any OS will down right hate you if you drop below the minimum requirement to run the system, be extremely picky and careful when you are investigating the the available System Memory and Video Sub-components. Look for machines that have video systems that are more standardized, avoid mobile Graphics platforms at all cost if you can. Find the machine you want, and check for reviews not only on the machine itself but the Integrated Graphics systems and Audio systems, though audio is somewhat of a lesser importance. Once you have got it you are stuck with it, Ensure that the graphics subsystem does not have any major issues and that is performance is comparable to a medium to top grade Desktop Graphics Interface, anything less and you will kick yourself 3 months down the road.
Trust me I have been there, I have been through 5 laptops in 5 years. While they are great tools to have, when they work, if they do not meet your needs and you overdrive them, to make do, they will absolutely die. Fried 3 GPUs, Killed to 2 Mainboards.
Originally Posted by aeroclown
If you are out to get a good laptop, that will last you for a period of time, stay away from units that contain Intel video chip sets, and systems that contain Nvidia or Ati Express/Go chip sets.
Heres an update on my previous post. I have learned that certian configurations of computers and Vista are the cause of the problems that players have been having with games. Specificaly the 64 bit version. This is mainly due to drivers that either are not compatible with what the game wants to do or the os and games not playing fair with each other. Even finding that out I still cannot reccomend Vista until all the bugs are worked out and the game companies give us versions that will work properly with it.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Originally Posted by tijo
I have a laptop with GeForce 6600Go, 128mb non-shared video memory and it has worked well for the last 1 year and a half. I've played games like Half-Life 2 with 1280x800 resolution and graphics almost at the highest quality and i didn't have any problems with it, guild wars runs very well too i easily get between 50-60 fps. So my advice is to stay away from any sheared memory GPUs no matter the brand but any non-shared GPU with 128mb+ should work very well with guild wars.
A Laptop is not a machine you buy to simply play Guildwars, if you base your choice of hardware around such a concept you will have made a mistake that will become Extremely obvious in a very Short period of time. That is within the constraints of Mobile computing platforms. Once you have purchased it, you have it, there is no swap out of a device to increase performance, there are very few models that offer the ability to swap out mini-pci video cards, in fact if at all at present.
I have had my machine just shutdown and reboot ingame too. My guildmate / personal friend and I were fighting a group of Jade Brotherhoods, when all of a sudden I was looking at a blank screen. My computer restarted itself. That was Monday night. Tuesday night, we were playing approximately in the same area, just outside the Under City, when his computer restarted itself. His restarted 3 times in a span of 10 minutes.
Each time his restarted, his character remained in game. He came right back to where we left off. He told me my character stayed with him till I returned to the game.
We both have been using the same computers for GW for more than a year. The only 'recent' change is adding Nightfall, and using Heros in Factions. I added mine Saturday, he has had his 2 weeks or so. This is the first time we have had Heros in Factions also.
Each time his restarted, his character remained in game. He came right back to where we left off. He told me my character stayed with him till I returned to the game.
We both have been using the same computers for GW for more than a year. The only 'recent' change is adding Nightfall, and using Heros in Factions. I added mine Saturday, he has had his 2 weeks or so. This is the first time we have had Heros in Factions also.