Rollerbeetle here to stay?
I know it's just an event, but does anyone think it should or will stay. I think it's such a development that there is no way they couldn't keep it. It's too fun, clearly a lot of design and energy was put into it... I think/hope it stays... certainly would add replay value to the game.. especially since we'll have to wait longer for the next chapter... I haven't been playing but logged in and figured i would do a cheesey little race, but was really impressed by it.
Xenex Xclame
I was hoping it would stay but then i thought, if it did stay m then we wouldn't have anything to look forward to next year.
Gaile Gray
No, sorry, RBA is an event-oriented game element. You may see it from time to time, but it won't be a permanent part of the game. It is great fun, isn't it?
Jumping Is Uselss
I love the RBA it has to come back for Dragon Festival event.
Free Runner
I also would love it to stay. It makes an excellent distraction and i find it really fun. I also like what they did with the Beetle designs to make your beetle feel customized to you instead of just a plain blue/green/red/pink ect beetle. And dont get me started on the dances If it doesnt stay atleast bring it back for a few weekends like they did with the boardwalk.
come on pls u could make more tracks and have tournaments or somthing it would be awesome.
Wretchman Drake
I would love for it to have its Gamer Points boosted or stay with it's current scoring system.
sure , i won't boost my gamer title with that ... 150 more points to lvl 1 , had 750 in snow-fights
Yes, I feel a lot more confortable with it being related to an event. People would get bored very fast if it was permanent, and considering the game has a lot of events from time to time, there will be a lot of other fun mini-games for us to play.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
It is great fun, isn't it?
They really need a 'fun arena' in the battle isles, that rotates weekly between Snowball Arena, Dragon Arena and Rollerbeetle Racing.
The Snowball Arena is Guildwars.
Everything else is a superfluous distraction.
Everything else is a superfluous distraction.
Fat Smurf
yea a fun arena would be nice ^^ Dragon arena was the best arena ever!! at least it teach people to kite <.<
My opinion: it should stay with different rules.
Reality: It will go, and return next year.
Reality: It will go, and return next year.
Thank you for not making it a permanent thing. Yes, they're fun, but the player base is spread thin enough.
It'd be more fun if there wasn't always so much lag on at night. I'd almost rather it be permanent just so the novelty wears off a little and I can play a game without having problems (not noticing problems out of the races).
Hope to see it again in the near future.
Hope to see it again in the near future.
I totally wish it would stay around. If not permanent then at least a few more weeks.
If not lunar tokens, then something like monestary credits and maybe even cold, hard cash.
If not lunar tokens, then something like monestary credits and maybe even cold, hard cash.
should take away the super bug thing its too over powering
Lord Natural
It's a good idea in theory, but in reality racing on the Guild Wars dial-up servers is just an excercise in frustration. One laggy race after another, and the woeful pathing system which ruined relic runs rears its ugly head here as well.
At least give us another "running game", I wouldn't mind doing the same without the Rollerbeetle thing to it, just for fun Make it a chapter 4 challenge mission please!
Sarevok Thordin
The Super bug thing should only be active for the last 2 people in the racing line, just like in Mario Kart. Kinda like Bullet Bill......
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
No, sorry, RBA is an event-oriented game element. You may see it from time to time, but it won't be a permanent part of the game. It is great fun, isn't it?
I would like to see the free fall speed going down hills to be at a little more realistic speed. It feels like the breaks are on going down hill. And bump the overall speed of the game, make if feel like more of a race. Maybe some racing sound effects.
i'm going to miss my cute hippie beetle T-T looked best in yellow u-u
Yup, whenever there's something different (without go to point A, kill everything you see type goals) its great fun. I hope they add new maps (racetracks) next time they introduce the races next event
Hell Raiser
If it doesn't stay, I would at least like to see the same idea. Mini-games like this and the snowball fight really kept me from ripping my hair out in the rest of the game. If you can't keep rollerbeetles at least keep the concept of permanent Mini-Games
Lothlorian Sassun
This is single handedly the coolest mini game ANET has ever come up with! Hats off to the Dev Team on this one. I have been having a blast running these races !!! I was praying they would stay around longer. And when you talk to the Score Board NPC it has a "Daily, Monthly, Quarterly" Tab and that got my hopes up that it would be a permanent edition. But Ms. Gray has told us that it will only be for the weekend I look Forward to seeing these more often and I hope it is not only for Canthan New Year. It would be a shame to have to wait one whole year to play Again.
GOOD JOB DEV TEAM! I have been having a blast!
GOOD JOB DEV TEAM! I have been having a blast!
Honestly, I can see why they wouldn't want minigames like this to be permanent. If the Dragon Arena, Snowball Fights, Rollerbeetle, and a possible other multitude of other event-based games were to be permanent, the amount of people taking part of each at any given point in time would be diluted. It would not only take away from the amount of people in each minigame, but from the total amount of people in PvE and PvP, thus thinning out the playerbase as a whole.
However, what I think they should do is open up one minigame every weekend, and only one. It could last just that weekend, like the special weekend events, or it could last a whole week, to give everyone a chance to play. This way, we never really lose it, but simply cycle through each game.
However, what I think they should do is open up one minigame every weekend, and only one. It could last just that weekend, like the special weekend events, or it could last a whole week, to give everyone a chance to play. This way, we never really lose it, but simply cycle through each game.