This is the suggestion for a GvG style of play -it may be called GvG Nighfall's style- in which the rol of Guild Lord, the of Guild Thieve and a new roll, called the Guild Runner are played by Player Characters.
I have though of this more player centered GvG style as a result of getting bored as a observer of GvG because the small strategic content and monotony of the Guild Lord final.
Some explanations:
i. To the player which takes the rol of Guild Lord is given one or two heroes/henchies of his choice as body guards. No special armor, weapon, health, etcetera is given to this player. And, it remains being true that upon killing the opposed Guild Lord a team wins. This would make true that if a whole team is death at a given time, the team loses the match. If the Guild Lord needs more help to stay alife, two area effect could be implemented, say one defensive effect in the whole of a guild's home area, and one more defensive effect in the guild's inner home area, both area effects would end sometime after the start.
Nevertheless, I think there should be introduced new features:
- the possibility of a draw as a final score, if no team is able to kill the opposed team's Guild Lord. Because, being the Guild Lord a normal character, making the Guild Lord to survive, may be considered, to be a great perfomance.
- and, for the guilds ranking, a win would count 3 points, whilst a draw would count 1 point; thus it keeps being more interesting to win than a draw.
ii. Instead of a single Guild Thieve, the rol of thieve can be given to two players. Having two thieves, split tactics can be more easely used to invade the opposed team's home.
As a resume, the idea is making GvG more players character's dependent, thus making matches more dependent on the teams strategy and without an too obvious final, thus, finaly, more interesting and fun to watch as observer, and may be more fun to play.
Suggestion: GvG with PC's rols instead of NPC.