I was visiting players in the game tonight during the 12:00 (PST) event and went afk to watch TV while my mask waited on the ground. By the time I got back, someone else had, mistakenly I'm sure, picked it up.
Could you please check your inventory and see if that you may have mistakenly picked up the mask? I was in ED#8 of Shing Jea Monastery. If you have the mask, I'd like it back. It is labeled as Tickling Ripper.
Thank you for any help that you can give me.
PS. This is not a direct joke leading from Gaile's post, someone actually did pick it up (by mistake I'm sure).
Missing Mask - Can you help me? please
The Lion Mask? Isn't it automaticlly turn up in your inventory like the pig and the 16 gift bags?
Originally Posted by Etta
The Lion Mask? Isn't it automaticlly turn up in your inventory like the pig and the 16 gift bags?
Same thing happend to Gaile Gray and some fool is trying to sale her mask.
what fool 
poor Gaile
Tickle you can have mask.The last show of the pig is at 20 P.M GMT today.So if you will be there you can get a mask
DOn t foget:You need free space in invetory for MASK!

poor Gaile
Tickle you can have mask.The last show of the pig is at 20 P.M GMT today.So if you will be there you can get a mask

DOn t foget:You need free space in invetory for MASK!
Grasping Darkness
What kind of joke are you pulling here? Even if you arent pulling a joke then someones ganked you deleted it and laughed. You trust the gw community enough to let the drop allocation time run out on an item you had lying on the ground in a highly populated city.......I doubt it and sense ulterior movtives.
PS. I'm not taking someone with a story as far fetched as this one especially with a clown avatar.
PS. I'm not taking someone with a story as far fetched as this one especially with a clown avatar.
Originally Posted by Tickle
PS. This is not a direct joke leading from Gaile's post, someone actually did pick it up (by mistake I'm sure).
EDIT: NM, didn't see district. But good luck finding someone in a low level district...
I pwnd U
Interesting, the wording he used is pretty much the exact same as Gailes.... Either way theres no way you will get your lost mask back. Someone probably got it and deleted it. Your best bet is to just get one from the last event. Sorry about your loss.
I don't think your ever going to get it back. Luckily on your part.
How can someone pick up another person's mask...I thought if they were "assigned" to a player, like drops/loot, then only that player could pick it up? Or were things different during the event?
I pwnd U
Just like drops in explorable areas after a while the drops become unassigned. So if he was gone for long enough the mask would no longer be assigned to him so someone could pick it up. It is still customized for him so the person who picked it up could not wear it.
Originally Posted by I pwnd U
Just like drops in explorable areas after a while the drops become unassigned. So if he was gone for long enough the mask would no longer be assigned to him so someone could pick it up. It is still customized for him so the person who picked it up could not wear it.