Call Target 1, Target 2...

Celso Dantas

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Ok, i'm playing PvE solo (this apply not only for solo), I call a target (press ctrl+space), when the foe dies, I have to look around for the second target i had in mind to attack, click on him, atack (or call target again).

Wouldn't be simple if I can call multiple calls? The same character can call Target 1, Target 2, Target 3... Like army organization in RTS games (see Age of Empires and others). I press Ctrl+1 for army 01, Ctrl+2 for army 02. When I want to call for that army, just press number 2 and I will have that army selected. Same for this new call system.

When we are playing with 2 or more players. We can divide 2 mini groups to act separatedly and calling targets individualy. The first team, can use Targets 1, and team 2, can use Target 2. With the call target system that we have now, I frequently go atacking to other teams target. =/

the shortcut don't need to be ctrl+1 like RTS, can be shift+1, shift+2... And to follow target, press F1 por target 1, F2 for target 2. Just an ideia.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Rohars Roughnecks


You can just hit the "C" key and you'll select the next closest target. Simply [TAB] quickly if you think there may be a better target available.

C -> Control-Space spamming ftw! (As long as only one charcter does it, lol)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


this seems like an interesting idea but it needs work.... really it could be very helpful



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

But in PvE, wouldn't you rather consider all of the enemies equally dangerous? And also wouldn't they die out fast to the point where the Ctrl + number isn't really worth it?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

If you have time to assign shortcuts to targets, you're killing too slowly.

There are some rare exceptions, but if you're playing with heroes, they know how to prioritize. Just select the first target, usually the healer or caster, then they'll work it out on their own. In many cases much more optimally than player can select them.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


I just attack the target the Flesh Golem chooses.
Never fails, they are genuises.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Great start for something really usefull ... i think the targeting system needs some tweeking from a-net... this kind of think could b it:P
