Rollerbeetle encore
Bring back the rollerbeetles, they were so much fun
i didnt even care about the reward when i won, just winning was enough fun
i didnt even care about the reward when i won, just winning was enough fun
Durik Lakmor
I would love for it to be a perm event, reward or no.
Here is an idea if they did keep with rewarding, different skinned beetles every 3months or so (quarterly)
However, I think the reward for something that has that much luck-based is kind of bad, so I'd prefer if it were just for fun type of thing, I did love me some beetle racing tho
Here is an idea if they did keep with rewarding, different skinned beetles every 3months or so (quarterly)
However, I think the reward for something that has that much luck-based is kind of bad, so I'd prefer if it were just for fun type of thing, I did love me some beetle racing tho
Zephyr Jackson
nerf super beetle imo, i got 451797 points for dual echo superbeetle
Simple. Bring it back, disable the reward for scores feature. Problem solved. This is definitely the best minigame, imo.
I say keep super rollerbeetle, but get rid of echo, harden shell, and all the knock downs. Make it a pure speed/skill thing. Perhaps make energy management a part of it as well. Perhaps your current amount of energy will determine how fast you are going, but when you use a skill, it'll give you a speed boost, stop your e regen, and slow your overall speed after its done.
Something like that would be nice.
Another thing that could be done is add solo runs (for people going for the speed record).
Something like that would be nice.
Another thing that could be done is add solo runs (for people going for the speed record).
It's a fun diversion. Something that doesn't involve killing something else is nice.
Skye Marin
Half the power of superbettle, and make rewards based on a tournament... not a single race time.
Knightsaber Sith
They'll definitely bring it back at some point like the boardwalk games; but at the moment they seem to have no intention of making any permanent mini games.
GuildWiki Jamie
Which is a shame, because mini-games as a permanent feature could become a 3rd tier of Guild Wars gaming.
I would definately like to see all of the previous minigames go permenant with the option to fight random people, or versus guild mates or alliance members. It would definately help to take a break and play a minigame when I get frustrated with a quest that I can't seem to complete.
Add more Beetle race map would be nice.Maybe make a cup for each continent.
Maybe there could be an option to participating in gold-races (as opposed to training/just for fun races).
Like a special option where you need to pay a certain amount of money to participate, and then the winner and runner-up win this money (75% - 25%).
Like a special option where you need to pay a certain amount of money to participate, and then the winner and runner-up win this money (75% - 25%).
forget about the beetles. go in with 3 ppl in a team with real GW skills so u can have different builds. 2 tracks, outer track for racers and inter track for support. so the runner can be W or R or P running at the outer track, with supporting character like windbone ele for extra speedboost or gale to kd other runner in the inner track.
imo gw is not just about how to use skills but also about build too :P
imo gw is not just about how to use skills but also about build too :P
Rollerbeetle perm.!
Rollerbeetle perm.!
It would awesome if they adding things like different tracks.
Perhaps a few different modes as well.
Say one mode with a really long track and without knock downs, focusing only on speed.
One mode with knock downs and what not where the track had obstacles like falling rocks and hostile creatures.
It would awesome if they adding things like different tracks.
Perhaps a few different modes as well.
Say one mode with a really long track and without knock downs, focusing only on speed.
One mode with knock downs and what not where the track had obstacles like falling rocks and hostile creatures.
And they teach new players some hints about Guild Wars, dodge->strafe-> evade, pathfinding, quick decisions with skills...