New to this game, help please?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Hello, I have been reading a lot about farming in general and it seems W/Mo or Mo/* seem to be the best choices for farming, which makes sense considering they can heal at all. Is it possible for me as a new player to choose a class that will be able to earn its own high level stuff in higher end PvE content (solo, preferrably) with a class that is not Mo/* or */Mo? At the VERY least I REFUSE to make a W/Mo, but if necessary to have a decent chance in higher end PvE soloing I will take a monk primary/secondary that does not include warrior. Can anyone give me a clue as to some build/character ideas that a new player can enjoy and still have value in higher end PvE? Note: PvP does not alter my decision in anyway for this character.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

WTS GW2 items for Zkey


Nearly all high-level farming builds envolve taking against creatures who do insane amounts of damage, hence the need for Protective spirit and a low-hp build.

However there are areas which are farmable without the low-hp. Examples include the VwK ritualist build, W/Me Physical resistance farmers, and then a menagerie of builds using elementalist defensive earth skills.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

I think every profession has some type of solo build. Except maybe the paragon and the mesmer has very few that am aware of.