Lagging . . almost unbearable.
Me thinks anet forgot to pay their bills -.-
Okay it's back again what the smokes? Was trying to go to LA, got D/ced, got the black reconnect screen at it froze there.
Omg...I thought it was gone and went into UW...><
Lets Get to Healing
Yep, its back.
I'm lagging as well... I thought it was connected to the New Years event, but I find I still lag like crazy every now and then.
I don't know what's up
I don't know what's up
Every once in a while today, I'd go up to 13-15k. I live in Southern Ontario.
I met another person who was going up to 22k. They lived in Buffalo.
I met another person who was going up to 22k. They lived in Buffalo.
Same in New Zealand - 20 to 30 seconds every 5 seconds or so. I haven't been d/ced but have 13k ping, doesn't seem to affect character selection screen and logging in times...
There is a sticky thread here somewhere that helps you defrag your gw.dat file that will help a little on your end. Won't solve all your problems as its something server side (or inbetween) causing problems. Don't expect an announcement from anet, they don't have to tell us anything so likely won't.
Gamecam has become impossible for me to run since nightfall was introduced and the lag seems to get worse after every weekend event. Sounds to me like anet has a gw.dat file of their own that needs defragging. Haven't noticed the server shut down for maintenance for a while now but it definetely needs it :P
Gamecam has become impossible for me to run since nightfall was introduced and the lag seems to get worse after every weekend event. Sounds to me like anet has a gw.dat file of their own that needs defragging. Haven't noticed the server shut down for maintenance for a while now but it definetely needs it :P
Lag is gone for me now.
Jeff Highwind
Lagged alot from 2pm-5:30pm during AB. It was painful to see so many deaths on my ele after lagging right in front of a gank crew.
Can't say anything about now though.
Can't say anything about now though.
Gordon Ecker
I'm lagging too. My ping's generally in the 150-300 range, but I've gotten about half a dozen error 7s over the past hour or so. My server IP is currently and I'm in the greater Vancouver / Fraser valley area (BC).
This problem is getting really bad. If more and more people are playing the game causing lag the money they make from it should go to beef up services right? Guess not... balance your profits with playability!
Lag here too :S
Yap lag here too, and I have had it for a LONG time. I get a ping of 300 ish average but now its 10k+, making GW unplayable.
I've been getting the intermittant lag spikes for about a week now. Ping suddenly jumps from 300-ish to 17k or better, just for one ping, and then everything's fine again. Had my first Err7 today, and I was talking to a friend when it happened, he experienced it as well, although it didn't disconnect him. Living in northwest Ohio, american server.
This is why working as a programmer is so stressful. You get a call at 1 in the morning that tells you to get up and fix the server.
Crystal Of Winter
It comes and goes here, but what really annoys me is rubber banding ~_~
Rene Saliere
The Favor system makes most players play on America or Europe, and ignore their own regional servers. This would promote lag I would think.
I gave up on the Rollerbeetles, that was a bummer, you think you winning, then you find yourself against the wall in last place AUGH!!
When I go into the 1st battle I always get extreme lag... average ping 10-30... 1st battle ping 2000+ wow
When I go into the 1st battle I always get extreme lag... average ping 10-30... 1st battle ping 2000+ wow
Diddy bow
i find its gone now expet for one exeption i was accually happy with 
so its
i lure them but
one geos round
but im stuck on a stairway so i cant get round and the vermin are killing me
but then i lagg over the vermin...
And gg vermin ^^
But back on topic my ping and my f-lists ping seems to have stabilized mostly
so its
i lure them but
one geos round
but im stuck on a stairway so i cant get round and the vermin are killing me

but then i lagg over the vermin...
And gg vermin ^^
But back on topic my ping and my f-lists ping seems to have stabilized mostly
The game totally lagged out for me last night in the middle of a paid Droks run. Luckily the runner was an honest chap who came back and finished the job.
I got several bad lag spikes last night both while in an outpost (Hell's Precipice) and while exploring. The worst was while trying to kill a boss in Grenth's Footprint with a guildie... the whole screen froze up for maybe 3 - 5 seconds. And I was monking at the time...
Naf Olbaid
<-- was lagging also
exiled mat
Normally: all settings on highest (except for that annoying wait for vertical sync) and a allmost stable 20 - 25 fps EVERYWERE...
in the event weeks: HUGE lag and fps as low as 1 - 2 on the LOWEST settings possigble, i was lucky enough standing on just the right place when mister piggy came
After a defrag of my COMPLETE computer + gw.dat file 3-4 fps woot
Now "after event" i have allmost 15 - 20 fps, on the medium settings, but at least i can walk in towns
in the event weeks: HUGE lag and fps as low as 1 - 2 on the LOWEST settings possigble, i was lucky enough standing on just the right place when mister piggy came

Now "after event" i have allmost 15 - 20 fps, on the medium settings, but at least i can walk in towns
I have noticed more lag happening since NF came out, it really pisses me off when we lag in GvG. I miss the prophecies days when I never had errors or lag at all.
Lamont Shadow
Almost never have had lag before until this week - not unplayable but iritating.
The Last Anthem
I think everyone in the games lagging since about a week ago my whole guilds getting lag spikes at the same time and quite often, everytime we start a gvg we freeze up and cant move for the first few minutes ><
i have never had terrible lag ever until february came around. it got a little worse in the beggining of the year but that was the whole wintersday event and then for a while i've been lagging a lot and i got my first ever err7 due to lag. The only other time i got d/ced was some wierd problem with my router and someone knocking out my modem.
Blackest Rose
I had never really lagged until last night.
Sure I got the occassional rubber banding instance every week or two but OMG last night was terrible.
I had regular 5-10 second lags!
Something is definitely wrong, currently really ruining the flow of the game.
What's really strange is that it's also just as bad with instanced play.
I'm on my own with hero'es and henchies in the wilderness and it still lags.
I would think that communication with the server is pretty minimal yet still huge lags....
Sure I got the occassional rubber banding instance every week or two but OMG last night was terrible.
I had regular 5-10 second lags!
Something is definitely wrong, currently really ruining the flow of the game.
What's really strange is that it's also just as bad with instanced play.
I'm on my own with hero'es and henchies in the wilderness and it still lags.
I would think that communication with the server is pretty minimal yet still huge lags....
Try being in the celestial tourney and rubberbanding like mad... I had to just fire interupts at random in hopes that they managed to hit at the right time but none did... I really hope they fix this before our next match. Oh and having to run back and get the guild thief because the lag ignored it the first time... -_- yeah ftl...
Sometimes my skills wouldn't work at all... I mean granted we did kinda sucky due to some of our guys never gvging before but the lag did NOTHING to help matters...
Sometimes my skills wouldn't work at all... I mean granted we did kinda sucky due to some of our guys never gvging before but the lag did NOTHING to help matters...
I understood some lag during the event, but I was lagging badly last night and even got an Err 7. I've only got two or three of those ever.
Nope, no problems. It's interesting how people are so quick to say it can't be, it won't be, It has to be, They need to fix it, What the hell is wrong with them.
Have you done any research on your provider to see if they shape traffic or use QOS to priorities traffic, how about network maintance, how about a broken router, how about a broken route, how about a node that isn't working properly outside the control of ANet or your provider, how about lost packets, How about a problem at a Certain Data Center . . . .
It's amazing you know, I have played this game since the First world preview event and I have had count em, 1 error 7 and that was a problem with MY network. No Lag, No Drag, No Rubber bands, No Dropped Packets, No Stalls, No Squeaks, No Leaks. Not During events, Not During Betas, Not in HOA, TOA, GVG, AB, or PVE.
I just don't see how repeat threads on lag is serving your purposes. The whole point of the -diag switch and the status monitor, is so that you can better report the important information to the right people. If its out of their hands its out of their hands and no matter how many threads you make it won't make a difference.
Have you done any research on your provider to see if they shape traffic or use QOS to priorities traffic, how about network maintance, how about a broken router, how about a broken route, how about a node that isn't working properly outside the control of ANet or your provider, how about lost packets, How about a problem at a Certain Data Center . . . .
It's amazing you know, I have played this game since the First world preview event and I have had count em, 1 error 7 and that was a problem with MY network. No Lag, No Drag, No Rubber bands, No Dropped Packets, No Stalls, No Squeaks, No Leaks. Not During events, Not During Betas, Not in HOA, TOA, GVG, AB, or PVE.
I just don't see how repeat threads on lag is serving your purposes. The whole point of the -diag switch and the status monitor, is so that you can better report the important information to the right people. If its out of their hands its out of their hands and no matter how many threads you make it won't make a difference.
Sir Skullcrasher
Is the lag caused by removing the Cantha New Year event? I mean I never lag like this but last night, I lagged every few minutes and got disconnected three times.
To aeroclown: I'm glad you're not experiencing issues. Most of the time, I don't either. I'd say my up time has been 99.999%. But you can't discount it when so many people from all over are experiencing the same problems. When I was on last night in Sunspear Sanctuary, EVERYONE was complaining about lag. When that many people are having issues at the same time, it’s not going to be their own computer, router or ISP.
Eli Rela
I am getting lagg since New Year festival was implemented. It got worth last night though.
Originally Posted by aeroclown
Nope, no problems. It's interesting how people are so quick to say it can't be, it won't be, It has to be, They need to fix it, What the hell is wrong with them..........snip
Therefore if I were to ask you what IP you have and what type of internet connection you have; you would be able to provide all types data to exactly where things went wrong? Furthermore I would ask more personal questions to get to the bottom of this, but it would be digging too far. You say there are infinite possibilities to what is going on, I may agree with you but the problem here is different then previous endeavors (so I can’t).
This type of lag that has been hitting many players in GW is different and more aggressive then before. People that never experienced lag before will inevitably feel it in the long run as it starts to spread out. Most people here are reporting a different type of lag that is unique to its predecessors.
Here is another thing to think about, if the lag was caused by the IP certain programs that run with an internet connection would be de-bunking. However this is not the case, I have yet to see any new problems with my internet connection yet, since Friday. Thus let’s start to break down the possibilities and see what we end up with. What couldn’t it be then? So please don’t assume we are going mad with finger pointing.
Originally Posted by aeroclown
Nope, no problems. It's interesting how people are so quick to say it can't be, it won't be, It has to be, They need to fix it, What the hell is wrong with them.
*shrugs* |
I highly doubt that everyone all of a sudden (1) experienced problems with their ISP or (2) experienced problems with their computers/setup at the EXACT same time. That would have to be the worst coincidence the game has ever had.
During the event i was getting frequent lag spikes and my PC slowing down to 1 FPS (although thats probably because its a useless piece of shit).
But even now i'm getting constant lag spikes. Pings bouncing around between 200 and 1000. Then occasionally shooting up to several 1000.
This is really starting to piss me off now... This uni connection isn't great, but at least i can tell the difference between it lagging and Anets connection been crap.
But even now i'm getting constant lag spikes. Pings bouncing around between 200 and 1000. Then occasionally shooting up to several 1000.
This is really starting to piss me off now... This uni connection isn't great, but at least i can tell the difference between it lagging and Anets connection been crap.
Rockby Quickfoot
I was lagging pretty bad last night too. I was trying to go for some points in Cartography, but that didn't work out very well

Originally Posted by aeroclown
Nope, no problems. It's interesting how people are so quick to say it can't be, it won't be, It has to be, They need to fix it, What the hell is wrong with them.
edit edit edit yeah yeah... *shrugs & nods* |
I don't want to sound like a troll but I know this will.... You should be working for Anet cause that came across as exactly what they say every time for several months up till they go "Oh we are fixing the issue we know what it is now."
Ya know that many people having that much lag right after a major update is no mere cowinkydink dear. It never has been, although everytime this happens someone from Anet and a few others who have no issues tell us we are all nuts and that it is our ISP and so forth till Anet FINALLY after 2mths of lag so bad no one can play, will come along and say "WE HAVE FOUND THE SOURCE!" but they never say they were wrong only that they located an issue that may have caused some people lag....
Basically this is what I am saying: I am glad our ISP's are conspiring against the GW community and nothing bad entered the system again.... >_>
HOWEVER I am willing to look at other options but when this many have the same issue there is usually only one place to look.... See the Euro update with all the error 58s was it?