22 Feb 2007 at 10:10 - 10
I'm from Australia, and have almost no problem with lag. I doubt it's your ping that is causing your problems, because I usually only get around 300-1000 and I barely ever get lag. But it also depends on what you mean by lag. Is it lag in the sense that the server stops, so you can move around but nothing else can, and eventually once it reconnects, you get shot back to where you where before the lag? Or is it just that the animation is jerky?
The latter would be caused by your extremely low FPS. You should have FPS at at least 20 (at least, that's what mine is and it's rarely having problems). And your FPS has nothing to do with your net connection, or your location with regards to the server. You need a faster computer.
If it's the former, I'm not sure. Do you play on euro servers? Cause they seem to be having problems recently. If you're on euro, maybe switch over to American. You'll get better pings. Otherwise I'm not sure.