Player Event: Come Have Some FuN!!
Zodiac - Cancer.
Zodiac is Leo! (any1 said this one before??^^)

Guessing Virgo for Zodiac. Getting to work on screenshots.
Zodiac: Aquarius
The Last Anthem
Zodia= Aeris? or however it's spelled lol. and for screens, can they be cropped?
Garreth MacLeod
Zodiac - Saggitarius.
I'll have to work on getting some screenshots.
I'll have to work on getting some screenshots.
Zodiac - Capricorn.
Sir Skullcrasher
I would say your zodiac sign is Leo. I'll get screen shots soon.
Allen Taubler was a winner in the Design A Weapon Contest with his straw effigy design.
Allen Taubler was a winner in the Design A Weapon Contest with his straw effigy design.
Yep, according the GW website, the straw effigy was designed by: Allen Taubler, USA.
Hmm, for Zodiac lets go with my own sign, Taurus.
Heres my Necro. Isn't she sexy? I think so 
If they cannot be scaled down just say so and I will post the full pic.
Red and Rachel
Real life husband and wife team who after putting their four kids to bed get online to manage their awesome guild and save the world from charr devistation.
Cutest Couple
Red and Rachel
Real life husband and wife team who after putting their four kids to bed get online to manage their awesome guild and save the world from charr devistation.
Thats a super nice and warm picture you have there Eviance.
Taurus is my guess for the zodiac sign
Taurus is my guess for the zodiac sign

I guess Taurus for your Zodiac sign...
My entries are as follows:
My mesmer, Carol Soulsinger
I wonder if i could charm him...
Heroic Deed
My future Legendary Defender of Ascalon warrior in her early days, dueling and defeating Skullreaver to save Ascalon from being overwhelmed by Restless Corpses and Raging Cadavers. She is currently trying to save Ascalon from the Charr threat.
My entries are as follows:
My mesmer, Carol Soulsinger
I wonder if i could charm him...
Heroic Deed
My future Legendary Defender of Ascalon warrior in her early days, dueling and defeating Skullreaver to save Ascalon from being overwhelmed by Restless Corpses and Raging Cadavers. She is currently trying to save Ascalon from the Charr threat.
Parson Brown
Best Looking Necro: Mistress Ov Pain

Guess for Zodiac sign: Aries
And thank Allen Taubler for his Straw Effigy design
Thanks for doing this. If you're still taking suggestions, how about a best-looking Ritualist?

Guess for Zodiac sign: Aries
And thank Allen Taubler for his Straw Effigy design

Thanks for doing this. If you're still taking suggestions, how about a best-looking Ritualist?
A screenie of the most heroic deed, 3 screenies
OK. I happened to have these pretty "heroic poses" images.
Why should I be "the winnah"?
Because my paladin (W/Mo) is alone in the Underworld, killing big bad monsters.
And because it's my own build, when I stubbornly decided a W/Mo must be able to solo aatxes.
OK. I happened to have these pretty "heroic poses" images.
Why should I be "the winnah"?
Because my paladin (W/Mo) is alone in the Underworld, killing big bad monsters.
And because it's my own build, when I stubbornly decided a W/Mo must be able to solo aatxes.
To the Think You're Funny?-category. In case my heroic deed category cap won't be succesful..
A sport event in UW. Dancing with Aatxes. Could also compete in the Beauty and the Beast category, if we had one. Can you do polka?
A sport event in UW. Dancing with Aatxes. Could also compete in the Beauty and the Beast category, if we had one. Can you do polka?
Finally, to the Most Attractive Mes-category, with my mesmer Tuhma Satu.
Zodiac= Taurus?
The best happening =)
The best happening =)
most attrative necro...

...mine... at least in my oppinion
oh... ive just spotted the bit that says : "some elaborations on the submited sample and state why should you be the winnah..a limit of 150 words total"
so here's my elaboration: I dont mind if i dont win, I just thought Sav's pose was cool and that it would be a laugh to enter... good luck to everyone

...mine... at least in my oppinion

oh... ive just spotted the bit that says : "some elaborations on the submited sample and state why should you be the winnah..a limit of 150 words total"
so here's my elaboration: I dont mind if i dont win, I just thought Sav's pose was cool and that it would be a laugh to enter... good luck to everyone
Ok, for best looking ele:

Took me 2 hours to fight there, but its worth it IMO.
For the bestlooking warrior i took a simular shot

This went a lot faster cause i could run there.
Love/Hate hexes

Well, i love hexes because they give me +10 health regen, +10 energy regen, big time healing....what else would you wish for?
Note: i didnt use any enchantments nor life attunement, wich wouldve boosted healing way beyond 3000, but that didnt fit the hex theme. I think im the only person loving hexes lol.
Heroic Deed:

Yes, i managed to scare off the almighty kuunavang using /taunt and my scary warrior. If she had pants, she would've wet them.
Funniest Picture:

I always knew zhed was more than an ordinary horse...zhed goes airborne!
Straw Effigy made by allen Taubler
Ill upload my ranger later, its not at the same location.
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Shield: Crude shield, gold, 16 Armor, req 9 strenght, -2 whilst in stance, -3 whilst hexed. zhed didnt win!
Took me 2 hours to fight there, but its worth it IMO.
For the bestlooking warrior i took a simular shot

This went a lot faster cause i could run there.
Love/Hate hexes
Well, i love hexes because they give me +10 health regen, +10 energy regen, big time healing....what else would you wish for?
Note: i didnt use any enchantments nor life attunement, wich wouldve boosted healing way beyond 3000, but that didnt fit the hex theme. I think im the only person loving hexes lol.
Heroic Deed:
Yes, i managed to scare off the almighty kuunavang using /taunt and my scary warrior. If she had pants, she would've wet them.
Funniest Picture:
I always knew zhed was more than an ordinary horse...zhed goes airborne!
Straw Effigy made by allen Taubler
Ill upload my ranger later, its not at the same location.
Zodiac sign: Taurus

Shield: Crude shield, gold, 16 Armor, req 9 strenght, -2 whilst in stance, -3 whilst hexed. zhed didnt win!
Zodiac sign must be Aries, since that's mine 
The focus was designed by Allen Taubler.
AS for the shield:
Runic Shield
Armor 16
+45 while in a stance
-2 while in a stance
And my hawt necro:

The focus was designed by Allen Taubler.
AS for the shield:
Runic Shield
Armor 16
+45 while in a stance
-2 while in a stance
And my hawt necro:

My Entries
The other day Koss told me he had something to show me and he found out he had a new talent. I walked with him through the
Jade Sea. I was shocked when I found out Koss could fish. We are having FISH STICKS TONIGHT!!!
My Monk:
My Mesmer:
My Ele:
My monk is scared of Hexes; he hates them! Look he can barely say the word. He can only say it in faint whisper. Oh, don't tell him Grenth
is behind him; Grenth his the other thing he is afraid of.
The other day Koss told me he had something to show me and he found out he had a new talent. I walked with him through the
Jade Sea. I was shocked when I found out Koss could fish. We are having FISH STICKS TONIGHT!!!
My Monk:
My Mesmer:
My Ele:
My monk is scared of Hexes; he hates them! Look he can barely say the word. He can only say it in faint whisper. Oh, don't tell him Grenth
is behind him; Grenth his the other thing he is afraid of.
Heres my entry for Most Attractive Mes
Straw Effigy was drawn by Allen Taubler, USA
Zodiac = Leo
Straw Effigy was drawn by Allen Taubler, USA
Zodiac = Leo
Divinus Stella
Do we have to give you the carvings ingame, or just show them?
The Straw Effigy was drawn by Allen Taubler, USA
the crude shield is:
Not inscrable, gold
req 10 max armor 16
And now for the pictures
The Straw Effigy was drawn by Allen Taubler, USA
tyria shield
the crude shield is:
req 10 max armor 16
And now for the pictures:
Most attractive necro:
My necro need to win cause to control a minion as big as that wurm, she must have good weapon or get eaten
Gay couple contest:
Me and my guildie boy"friend" we just stood there at the beach, holding each other saying cuddly things, and now we wanna get married (can same sex people get married in gw, is it legal?
) and then of course we would like a wedding gift 
The love/hate hex:
the text she is saying "i just love my hexes, how could i otherwise kill defense-less npc's all day?" And her name is actually Hex lover machine, and was my mesmer for a long time ago, but now she has been getting old and not so fancy anymore, and could use a shiny new weapon to glow again!
thats mine so far, will probaly do some more ^^
the crude shield is:
Not inscrable, gold
req 10 max armor 16
And now for the pictures
The Straw Effigy was drawn by Allen Taubler, USA
tyria shield
the crude shield is:
req 10 max armor 16
And now for the pictures:
Most attractive necro:
My necro need to win cause to control a minion as big as that wurm, she must have good weapon or get eaten

Gay couple contest:
Me and my guildie boy"friend" we just stood there at the beach, holding each other saying cuddly things, and now we wanna get married (can same sex people get married in gw, is it legal?

The love/hate hex:
the text she is saying "i just love my hexes, how could i otherwise kill defense-less npc's all day?" And her name is actually Hex lover machine, and was my mesmer for a long time ago, but now she has been getting old and not so fancy anymore, and could use a shiny new weapon to glow again!
thats mine so far, will probaly do some more ^^
Great contest!!! Thanks!!
Zodiac: Gemini
Straw Effigy was drawn by Allen Taubler, USA
Shield: Emboldened Carapace Shield, Armor: 16, 9 Strength, Health +60 (while hexed), Received damage -3 (while hexed)
Zodiac: Gemini
Straw Effigy was drawn by Allen Taubler, USA
Shield: Emboldened Carapace Shield, Armor: 16, 9 Strength, Health +60 (while hexed), Received damage -3 (while hexed)
Sciros Darkblade
The shield is:
Runic Shield
Armor 6
Energy +5
Runic Shield
Armor 6
Energy +5

Zodiac: Taurus
Shield: Crude Shield(gold)
armor 16 req 9 tactics
-2 while enchanted
Shield: Crude Shield(gold)
armor 16 req 9 tactics
-2 while enchanted
Submission for "Funniest":
Title of Image: The Story of a Monk
We meet our beloved monk where we last left him, in "The Dragon's Lair," avoiding being invited by countless parties in need of a monk. With unreal precision he submerges himself into a rock, where he will go into hibernation. Without much to keep him warm, (rocks aren't warm on the inside.) and a lack of food, he remains in the rock, hoping for a minipet to come prodding by for him to engulf.
Surely other monks can sympathize. Immediately after entering a mission outpost we are bombarded by a surreal assortment of party invites. I had to push some fans out of my way to take this very screenshot.
Title of Image: The Story of a Monk
We meet our beloved monk where we last left him, in "The Dragon's Lair," avoiding being invited by countless parties in need of a monk. With unreal precision he submerges himself into a rock, where he will go into hibernation. Without much to keep him warm, (rocks aren't warm on the inside.) and a lack of food, he remains in the rock, hoping for a minipet to come prodding by for him to engulf.
Surely other monks can sympathize. Immediately after entering a mission outpost we are bombarded by a surreal assortment of party invites. I had to push some fans out of my way to take this very screenshot.
Just Another Dude
Straw Effigy designer:Allen Taubler
Shield: Gold Crude Shield Req 8 Str
Armor: Max (16)
Non Inscribable
-5 Physicsal 20%
Shield: Gold Crude Shield Req 8 Str
Armor: Max (16)
Non Inscribable
-5 Physicsal 20%
Mah Sexy Pre-necro: Suicidal Romance X
Shield is:
Crude Shield
Not inscribable
req9 strength
Zodiac Sign is Taurus
Funny Moment: Me challenging Shiro to come out of his trance and fight me....
Crude Shield
Not inscribable
req9 strength
Zodiac Sign is Taurus
Funny Moment: Me challenging Shiro to come out of his trance and fight me....
Rain Knight
yo everyone i've added a FAQ section.please read =)
also my bad but also include the req? str/tac for the shield
i see shome vhery vhery nice phics..qhuite impressed...and some very good answers as well =P
also my bad but also include the req? str/tac for the shield
i see shome vhery vhery nice phics..qhuite impressed...and some very good answers as well =P
Just Another Dude
Attractive Monk:
Was on my way to take a SS from the ruins of the giant fallen statue when I was ambushed by a worm. After I killed the worm, I thought, hey, what a nice photo op! Lets do it! So here I am!
These are both my monk, Apollo Atreus.
Love/Hate Hex: (My Warrior, Aequitas Balant)
Well, in a nice little 1v1 guildie scrimmage, I opposed my friend's mesmer. As seen, all didn't go perfectly and within a few seconds of our agreed start, I was stacked with hexes. You know what? I HATE HEXES.
I didnt ask him if I could show his name yet, so I cut it out, if its okay to update/replace entries, maybe later I can replace it. Thanks!
Attractive Monk:
Was on my way to take a SS from the ruins of the giant fallen statue when I was ambushed by a worm. After I killed the worm, I thought, hey, what a nice photo op! Lets do it! So here I am!
These are both my monk, Apollo Atreus.
Love/Hate Hex: (My Warrior, Aequitas Balant)
Well, in a nice little 1v1 guildie scrimmage, I opposed my friend's mesmer. As seen, all didn't go perfectly and within a few seconds of our agreed start, I was stacked with hexes. You know what? I HATE HEXES.
I didnt ask him if I could show his name yet, so I cut it out, if its okay to update/replace entries, maybe later I can replace it. Thanks!
Edit: Sorry about this post, I'm going to post the pictures on my previous post with my other picture.
(Is there anyway I can delete this?)
(Is there anyway I can delete this?)
Best couple pic ever! Trust me ^^