1. For the people going for the Grand master title (map completion 100%) its almost near imposable to do so, since no one plays in the Jade quarry PvP area. It took me 4 hrs to set up a match between me and 15 others, and I still didn't get to clear the entire map of that area. I'm still missing .2%
What i would like to suggest is to have that Alliance battle area changed in some way to be able to enter to clear the map or make it easier to join a battle. or by entering the battle that portion of the map clears automatically.
2. I Think there should be a way to hide or to remove unwanted gamer titles from you'r title listings. As for my self i have to many gaming titles with only a few points to them that i will never complete or want to try to.
Comments welcome
Two changes: 1 for Cantha Jade Quarry PvP and 1 for Title tracks.
Skye Marin
Hilariously, with the opening of the boardwalk, I was able to get my Canthan mapper from 99.8% to 100.0% without ever setting foot into Jade Quarry. This is a non-native too, so the Shing Jea Arena is excluded too.
whats the boardwalk?
any suggestions on how to complete the tilte
any suggestions on how to complete the tilte
It's an event in Shing Jea, which makes it possible to enter a small part of the Shing Jea Overlook, so go there while it's possible I agree though, I think I want to enter Jade Quarry myself soon (currently at 92%), and I tried several times now already, but I'm kinda giving up hope...
And I also agree on removing titles (suggested it myself a while back), it really makes my screen look dirty, all I want is maxed titles
And I also agree on removing titles (suggested it myself a while back), it really makes my screen look dirty, all I want is maxed titles
Notification of incomplete titles reminds me to eat more sugar, or drink more beer.... I personally find those two pointless, but it does remind me of something that I can do in the game to progress, and feel accomplished....