Slow loading of text and inventory items



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Recently i have a slow loading time any time i open the inventory, or simply when i highlight a skill, the popup text that describes it.

Have you the same problems?


Noz Crow

Noz Crow

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


I was having the same problems. I have a fast cable connection so i thought that maybe it was time to update my motherboard and processor. I did and went with a decked out motherboard and pentium 4 3.2 prescot and 2 gig of ram and now i can't even stay connected to the server to do a -image install. After about 5 minutes the speed goes from 200k/sec to 5k/sec. I love this game up recently the lag is horrible and the rubberbanding is horrible. Something needs to be done with the servers (american by the way). After 17months of paying with no changes except the upgrade which was supposed to help i can't play and am thinking for selling my account. I hope Gaile or somebody will read this and do something about it before everyone leaves. Something definately needs to be done!