I've been having this on two different computers, a laptop and a PC. Here's the issue: when i play GW most of the time i have no problem at all but sometimes, my keaboard setting changes from QWERTY to AZERTY for those who are familiar with the terms.
Both my keyboards are set to français(Canada) which uses the QWERTY keaboard but suddenly, it switches to AZERTY with français(France) preventing me from using certain keys like numbers(this isn't an issue on the PC since i have the numpad but on the laptop no numpad, so i can't type anything properly

) I only have this problem with Guild Wars, so i am assuming it has something to do with Guild Wars. Ichacked my keyboard settings too and evreything seems to be in order. Also the language setting i use for Gw is english.
Some people in my alliance have been experiencing this problem as well.