Witch Doctor
this was origanally posted in http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ju ngle+based
but it was suggested i post it here so i am
Witch Doctor
Witch doctors a low armor casters with 4 pips of energy and medium high energy that preform rituals to heal and destroy. Witch doctors have a bit of healing and a bit of prot skills but they will not replace monks. Witch doctors mainly use hexs and totems to impair and destroy their enemies. Many of their skills require them to pay in blood but the reward is plentiful. Witch doctors are revered in their villages but are for the most part on the verge of insanity due to the dark arts they sometimes preform.
you gain 1 energy for each 2% health you sacrafice, maximum amount increases with rank in voodoo *at rank 12 you get 12*
this will sort of revolve around some sac skills for damage and healing but it will not have much much like an ele's energy storage for example:
Voodoo Energy[Elite]: 10 energy 3 second cast time 60 second recharge: sacrifice 15% maximum health gain 5....20 energy.
Voodoo Hexing Rituals
no inherint effect
this attribute will revolve around damageing and impairing hexs. For example:
Empathy Doll[Elite]:Hex spell: 25 energy 4 second cast time 60 seconds recharge: sacrafice 70% of your maximum health, for 5...20 seconds, whenever you take damage or receive a condition hexed foe also takes that damage and recieves that condition. if you die while foe is hexed that foe takes 50...200 damage.
Totem of removal: totem ritual: 15 energy 5 second cast time 60 second recharge, create a totem at your location, whenever a foe becomes hexed they loos 1 enchantment and totme of removal take 50...10 damage. this totem lasts 30 seconds.
Totamic Expertise
totems you creat last 1% longer for every 2 ranks and have !% more health for each 2 ranks.
This attribute revolves around totems, which are much like ritualists spirits but cannot attack. these totems can heal, protect, or cause an impairing effect. For example:
Masacistic totem: 15 energy 5 second cast time 45 second recharge: whenever an ally would recieve a condition masacistic totem recieves that condtion instead and takes 20 damage, this totem counts as a fleshy creature, this totem lasts 30 seconds.
Binding Totem: 25 energy 6 second cast time 60 seconds recharge: this skill is easily interupted, all foes in Binding totems range move 25% slower and speed boosts have no effect. this totem lasts 30 seconds.
Totem of the olive branch [elite]: 25 energy 8 second cast time 90 second recharge time: sacrifice 20% maximum health. no one can attack, whenever anyone takes damage this totem take 70....30 damage. this totem dies after 30 seconds.
Voodoo medicine
no inherit effect
this attribute revolves around healing and protecting. most of this skills require a blood offering in order to remove the wounds of an ally. for example:
Blood of the Healer: 10 energy 2 second cast time 30 second recharge time: sacrifice 2% maximum health, heal all other allies for 20...90 health and lose and additional 2% maximum health for each ally healed this way.
sheild of the soul: Enchantment spell: 10 energy 1 second cast time 30 second recharge time: enchanted ally cannot lose more than 15% maximum health, whenever enchanted ally would lose more than 15% maximum health you lose all the health over 15% and lose 5 energy or sheild of the soul ends
voodoo blood bond: Enchantment spell: 10 energy 2 second cast time : while you maintain this enchantment you suffer 1 health degeneration, enchanted other ally gains +3 health regeneration.
Witch Doctors armor will have a primitaive shamanic look, with bons and skulls lacing it as well as potions and herbs. They will also sometimes have feathers and vines. Their armor will tend to look a bit tattered and worn.
They have the same armor value as casters like ele's, mes's and nec's.
Witch Doctors just use staffs, or wands and off hands.
Charecter animation
witch doctors will slouch quite similar to a rangers /sit emote when not moving, they attack in a slow determined fashion and walk with a bit of a hobble. when they cast spells they will make odd motions much like a ritualist with a seizure. their faces look a bit crazed and will often have scars and missing eyes.
Witch Doctors mainly worship grenth but their are a few that will worship dwayna or lyssa.
i know not all of the skills i listed have costs, cast times, or recharge times but that is because i really havent thought up some reasonable ones.
but it was suggested i post it here so i am
Witch Doctor
Witch doctors a low armor casters with 4 pips of energy and medium high energy that preform rituals to heal and destroy. Witch doctors have a bit of healing and a bit of prot skills but they will not replace monks. Witch doctors mainly use hexs and totems to impair and destroy their enemies. Many of their skills require them to pay in blood but the reward is plentiful. Witch doctors are revered in their villages but are for the most part on the verge of insanity due to the dark arts they sometimes preform.
you gain 1 energy for each 2% health you sacrafice, maximum amount increases with rank in voodoo *at rank 12 you get 12*
this will sort of revolve around some sac skills for damage and healing but it will not have much much like an ele's energy storage for example:
Voodoo Energy[Elite]: 10 energy 3 second cast time 60 second recharge: sacrifice 15% maximum health gain 5....20 energy.
Voodoo Hexing Rituals
no inherint effect
this attribute will revolve around damageing and impairing hexs. For example:
Empathy Doll[Elite]:Hex spell: 25 energy 4 second cast time 60 seconds recharge: sacrafice 70% of your maximum health, for 5...20 seconds, whenever you take damage or receive a condition hexed foe also takes that damage and recieves that condition. if you die while foe is hexed that foe takes 50...200 damage.
Totem of removal: totem ritual: 15 energy 5 second cast time 60 second recharge, create a totem at your location, whenever a foe becomes hexed they loos 1 enchantment and totme of removal take 50...10 damage. this totem lasts 30 seconds.
Totamic Expertise
totems you creat last 1% longer for every 2 ranks and have !% more health for each 2 ranks.
This attribute revolves around totems, which are much like ritualists spirits but cannot attack. these totems can heal, protect, or cause an impairing effect. For example:
Masacistic totem: 15 energy 5 second cast time 45 second recharge: whenever an ally would recieve a condition masacistic totem recieves that condtion instead and takes 20 damage, this totem counts as a fleshy creature, this totem lasts 30 seconds.
Binding Totem: 25 energy 6 second cast time 60 seconds recharge: this skill is easily interupted, all foes in Binding totems range move 25% slower and speed boosts have no effect. this totem lasts 30 seconds.
Totem of the olive branch [elite]: 25 energy 8 second cast time 90 second recharge time: sacrifice 20% maximum health. no one can attack, whenever anyone takes damage this totem take 70....30 damage. this totem dies after 30 seconds.
Voodoo medicine
no inherit effect
this attribute revolves around healing and protecting. most of this skills require a blood offering in order to remove the wounds of an ally. for example:
Blood of the Healer: 10 energy 2 second cast time 30 second recharge time: sacrifice 2% maximum health, heal all other allies for 20...90 health and lose and additional 2% maximum health for each ally healed this way.
sheild of the soul: Enchantment spell: 10 energy 1 second cast time 30 second recharge time: enchanted ally cannot lose more than 15% maximum health, whenever enchanted ally would lose more than 15% maximum health you lose all the health over 15% and lose 5 energy or sheild of the soul ends
voodoo blood bond: Enchantment spell: 10 energy 2 second cast time : while you maintain this enchantment you suffer 1 health degeneration, enchanted other ally gains +3 health regeneration.
Witch Doctors armor will have a primitaive shamanic look, with bons and skulls lacing it as well as potions and herbs. They will also sometimes have feathers and vines. Their armor will tend to look a bit tattered and worn.
They have the same armor value as casters like ele's, mes's and nec's.
Witch Doctors just use staffs, or wands and off hands.
Charecter animation
witch doctors will slouch quite similar to a rangers /sit emote when not moving, they attack in a slow determined fashion and walk with a bit of a hobble. when they cast spells they will make odd motions much like a ritualist with a seizure. their faces look a bit crazed and will often have scars and missing eyes.
Witch Doctors mainly worship grenth but their are a few that will worship dwayna or lyssa.
i know not all of the skills i listed have costs, cast times, or recharge times but that is because i really havent thought up some reasonable ones.
i would really like feed back on this cause i really enjoy this more than my druid idea so bump
We have Wells, Wards, Nature and Binding Rituals, unless you can make a significant feature to make totems original, it isn't good enough.
Trying to make skill lists especially with costs is pretty pointless, even the developers have to redevelope skills over and over again even though they have access to resources to test them, pretending that your going to come up with a balanced solution based on the thousands, if not milliions of skill combinations and situations in the game is nieve. Skill descriptions should only be a general idea which really only needs to be stated at all if it involves a new feature not already in the game.
And try to come up with some interesting class identities and names, at least the last guy who developed the exact same identity for a witch doctor looked up some african title for witch doctor call sangouma or something, that was cool.
Trying to make skill lists especially with costs is pretty pointless, even the developers have to redevelope skills over and over again even though they have access to resources to test them, pretending that your going to come up with a balanced solution based on the thousands, if not milliions of skill combinations and situations in the game is nieve. Skill descriptions should only be a general idea which really only needs to be stated at all if it involves a new feature not already in the game.
And try to come up with some interesting class identities and names, at least the last guy who developed the exact same identity for a witch doctor looked up some african title for witch doctor call sangouma or something, that was cool.
ok bahamut im done... please stay out of my topics... you are rude spiteful and have an im better than you attitude that i do not find helpful in the least, so i am asking nicely please no more.
Its spelled Witch.
Its spelled Witch.
i know i was typing too fast and cant change.... >.<
There is an ignore feature newb, and I am better than you, it isn't an attitude, it is a record of accomplishement.
Saldy I have to agree with bahamut, and I do not think he is being obnoxious, but his critisism seemed genuinely helpful. Just because he disagrees with your ideas doesn't mean he is wrong or right, but listen to them anyway.
As far as that idea goes, I don't like the totem ideas, too similar to warcraft 3 witch doctors, etc. I imagine witch doctors as more of someone that uses herbs to heal people, so would contain skills to remove conditions and hexes form allies instead of replenishing health or protecting them.
With voodoo, I think it could be used as something to buff the offensive capabilities of teammates (anyone who has seen about that powder the people who practise voodoo use that apparently turns people into 'zombies' might get my idea, using a similar power or something as a painkiller on an ally or to make them go into a berserk rage) and to hex or somehow harm enemies (no points for guessing "voodoo doll" here). Also, I would imagine it would only affect maybe one person or one certain profession, as the voodoo potions or whatever they use would be premixed before combat, so may be limited in use.
I think the idea of totems is leaning too much towards shamans and other paganistic ideas, which has already been covered by the ritualist profession in this game. Also, we don't need more things to help people make holding builds xD
As far as that idea goes, I don't like the totem ideas, too similar to warcraft 3 witch doctors, etc. I imagine witch doctors as more of someone that uses herbs to heal people, so would contain skills to remove conditions and hexes form allies instead of replenishing health or protecting them.
With voodoo, I think it could be used as something to buff the offensive capabilities of teammates (anyone who has seen about that powder the people who practise voodoo use that apparently turns people into 'zombies' might get my idea, using a similar power or something as a painkiller on an ally or to make them go into a berserk rage) and to hex or somehow harm enemies (no points for guessing "voodoo doll" here). Also, I would imagine it would only affect maybe one person or one certain profession, as the voodoo potions or whatever they use would be premixed before combat, so may be limited in use.
I think the idea of totems is leaning too much towards shamans and other paganistic ideas, which has already been covered by the ritualist profession in this game. Also, we don't need more things to help people make holding builds xD
Lamentations vodoo is a actual religion composed out of all kinds of mixed religions when slaves from may parts of afrika where put together, mainly on the larger isles of the caribean, but later also strongly reperesented on the american mainland, specifically in swamp country, that seemed the perfect foggy dens of black magic.
Point is however that vodoo is not a black magic religion at all! that was all made up by missionaries to try and get people to convert to Christianity because vodoo was an 'evil' religion.
Because the white collars never had much imagination they simply coppied most of westeren which craft and said tht was what vodoo was, there where no actual vodoo dolls the dolls and needles where something witches used.
However they where so successful at mud trowing at their competition, it also helps that they where the ones that wrote the history books.
That vovoo(or however you spell it) the magic behind the religion was thought and practiced true to the influences from western witch craft, including vodoo dolls, because people had forgotten what vodoo really was.
Now that blizzard might be ok with stereotyping and dissing the people on Cuba that live in huts made of mud is their business(wow shamans have vodoo skills too)
Those people are likely not to touch a PC ever in their lives, still I think you should consider that when you want to put vodoo in a game.
Point is however that vodoo is not a black magic religion at all! that was all made up by missionaries to try and get people to convert to Christianity because vodoo was an 'evil' religion.
Because the white collars never had much imagination they simply coppied most of westeren which craft and said tht was what vodoo was, there where no actual vodoo dolls the dolls and needles where something witches used.
However they where so successful at mud trowing at their competition, it also helps that they where the ones that wrote the history books.
That vovoo(or however you spell it) the magic behind the religion was thought and practiced true to the influences from western witch craft, including vodoo dolls, because people had forgotten what vodoo really was.
Now that blizzard might be ok with stereotyping and dissing the people on Cuba that live in huts made of mud is their business(wow shamans have vodoo skills too)
Those people are likely not to touch a PC ever in their lives, still I think you should consider that when you want to put vodoo in a game.
The same is true for paganism, and just about every other religion that christians slandered to recruit more (seems it worked, judging by how many pagans and witch doctors you see around), but that doesn't mean the literature made and the stories concieved in it don't make a good story. The game is based ona fantasy world inspired by things that never happened but were recorded creatively. Just because it was portrayed as evil doesn't mean we need to portray it as evil in guild wars, just like the ritualists (shamans summoning and binding spirits would be percieved as blasphemous and heathen by the christians I think
When did I say it was black magic? Do you think mesmers or water elementalists are black magic just because they use hex spells? Are people who use the straw effigy evil because it looks kinda like a voodoo doll? I don't quite follow what you were getting at with your post.
Anyway, back on topic, some background research into the actual case of these religions or professions would not do hard, but neither would it do harm to take some of the mythology and integrate it into the idea.

When did I say it was black magic? Do you think mesmers or water elementalists are black magic just because they use hex spells? Are people who use the straw effigy evil because it looks kinda like a voodoo doll? I don't quite follow what you were getting at with your post.
Anyway, back on topic, some background research into the actual case of these religions or professions would not do hard, but neither would it do harm to take some of the mythology and integrate it into the idea.
I used black magic as a gathering name for zombie magic and stuff, did not mean a 'you said' with it.
No I do not really have a problem with it being in GW, just as other evil portrayed religions have, would not even mind if it where portrayed as evil I am a necro fan for a reason.
However I was trying to say that one needs to save some of the truth, shamans summoned spirits(weather or not using hallucinogenics) because they wanted too.
When implementing voodoo it should at least for a part be what voodoo actually is, thats all I'm trying to say, just add a bit of voice of the gods and curing of aches and ailments through magic in there.
No I do not really have a problem with it being in GW, just as other evil portrayed religions have, would not even mind if it where portrayed as evil I am a necro fan for a reason.
However I was trying to say that one needs to save some of the truth, shamans summoned spirits(weather or not using hallucinogenics) because they wanted too.
When implementing voodoo it should at least for a part be what voodoo actually is, thats all I'm trying to say, just add a bit of voice of the gods and curing of aches and ailments through magic in there.
ok a few things to address, first about the bahmut thing... its not the sugestions taht anger me its the newd / loser comments, those are not needed. secondly, i know voodoo has quite a bit more behind it than that which most concive but i am not trying to make a lesson here. from what most people know this is voodoo, and yes i could research back and make this more correct but who would notice, very few. this idea was based off of beliefs of the general public with the idea of entertaining in mind not correctness, but really in the end you are right this is not voodoo. also yes the totems do trot a bit on the side of a rit, and i have relized that. truly to make this a better prof totems do need to be removed, but really i do not wish to edit this class more because i do not see it truly going any further then this, so instead i will work on new classes useing some feed back from these classes, and maybe this CC will help give more people ideas on new classes, all in all this is not an application for a "YOU NEED TO ADD THIS" class but rather some ideas i had and decided to share with the GWG community. so take away what you will from this.